MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRLoving greetings to each one of you, Here in Asheville, spring is starting to express itself … trees are budding, and crocuses and daffodils are blooming. This seasonal display brings to mind the word “possibilities.” I'd like to share how I envision this time in Meher Archive Collective’s manifestation as one which is full of possibilities! First, MAC functions almost entirely on the talents and skills of those who hear Meher Baba's call to service. We are fortunate to have many such individuals who live locally. But, we also have volunteers from California and the Midwest, and others expressing interest from other countries. Our growing list of volunteer opportunities can be filled either locally or non-locally. The volunteer section below suggests ways to be of service in preserving and sharing Baba’s legacy. I see numerous possibilities for sharing Baba’s message of love with others as the MAC building team nears the completion of Phase 1. We will have safe on-site archive work spaces for staff and volunteers. There will be ample opportunities to volunteer in the archives using many different skill sets. The next construction project is to complete the 100-year-old building’s roof repair. It will require additional funds estimated at $70,000. We are exploring creative ways to support this project. If you or those in your network would like to contribute ideas or financial support, please let us know. Finally, the opportunities for MAC being able to help on a global scale continue to present themselves. Recently we heard from Jill Hobbs, a Baba lover in New Zealand. Jill has been caring for a valuable collection gathered by Anthony Thorpe. Anthony was a dedicated Baba follower who was the driving force behind a small Baba group in New Zealand. He traveled to India multiple times, always with recording equipment to preserve the mandali’s talks and stories on tape. Due to Anthony's foresight about the importance of doing this, and the care given to the collection by Jill, MAC will be receiving the Thorpe Tape Collection soon. We are excited about this "across the world" connection! In His Loving Embrace, Evie [email protected] / 203.915.8017 ARCHIVES CORNER |
MACNews, blogs, and updates on interesting archival finds and events. Archives
May 2024