MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRLoving greetings to each one of you, There are times when I need to revisit the reasons I love Meher Archive Collective (MAC). After hurricane Helene carved a pathway through Asheville and the rest of Buncombe County on September 27th, it was time for me to reflect on what had happened. While the MAC building itself came through the storm without any harm, many of us were personally impacted. Just the other day it occurred to me that love is not based on logic. It is in the realm of something much finer and more subtle. I concluded that I love MAC for many different reasons. I love having the opportunity to remember Baba on a daily basis as I navigate my role in our organization. I love that this nearly hundred year old building with its beautiful bones survived Helene with grace. I love that we held a Dhuni on November 12, not long afterwards. I love how it sits on a small hill surrounded by tall and majestic pines and oaks. I love the fact that the second floor is ready for occupancy. I even love the fact that the south side roof needs to be completed before we can begin to officially archive. Finally, I love MAC’s mission of collecting, preserving, and sharing, with the idea that in the future it will be a place of sanctuary and a resource for those who are seeking a deeper meaning. It will provide materials by and about Meher Baba. This, to me, is the crux of why this project means so much to me. While Buncombe County is currently in a state of both repair and disrepair from Helene, there are daily reminders of both processes occurring simultaneously. I’m reminded how it is that all of us who love Baba perform a daily dance of navigating oppositional forces — joy and sorrow, destruction and repair, doubt and faith. The list is endless, really. Somehow, it is in being willing to learn new dance steps, immersed in the mystery of Baba and His love, that I feel truly fulfilled. As Baba reminds us, “Only love is real.” In His Loving Embrace, Evie [email protected] 203.915.8017 BUILDING RENOVATION PROGRESSby Hugh Huntington The good news is that Meher Archive Collective passed the Fire Marshal’s inspection! This was followed by the call for the final inspection by the Buncombe County Building Inspection Department. The building inspector wants the roof over the gym to be completed before issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, which means we cannot begin archival work until the roof has been finished. We have begun preparing for that repair. Other good news is the MAC building weathered hurricane Helene with no damage or water issues. Helene damaged so many homes in Buncombe County and the carpenters that we wanted to use felt that their priority needed to be helping repair damage to individual homes. We understand their value for helping people, so we are searching for carpenters to help us begin initial preparation of the roof repair. In the meantime, Art Nordeen graciously donated the use of his personal equipment to help us repair the roof. He and his wife Monika drove down from Michigan with his portable sawmill, a large tractor/backhoe, and a large bucket lift for our use. Peter, Art, and Connor have been sawing oak lumber from fallen trees to be used for the repair of the gym/auditorium roof. The quality of the wood is excellent and will save a lot of money in materials for the roof repair. ARCHIVES CORNERby Anne Barker
Our dear staff member, Claire Barrett, has moved on to a full-time job as a legal assistant. We wish her the very best in her new job and in her spring wedding to Matt. VOLUNTEERS CORNER |
by Michael Ivey For this quarter’s MAC newsletter, we interviewed our full-time, tireless volunteer, Jeanne Felknor at her home in Asheville. Practically every weekday, you’ll find Jeanne putting in 5-6 hours doing whatever needs to be done at the awesome MAC building outside of Weaverville. Jeanne said that her motivation to do this work on a full-time basis boils down to two things: (1) opportunity and (2) fun! She said that when she thinks about it, she’s overwhelmed at the significance of the task of preserving the legacy of Avatar Meher Baba’s advent for those that follow. She sees it as a great opportunity to be in a position to do this work that Baba has given to her. |
There are two statements that have impressed her deeply in regard to working in the cause of the Avatar. One is called “My Dear Workers,” given by Baba in 1962 at the East-West Gathering and the other is called “On Working for Baba,” a talk given by Mani to the volunteers at the opening of the original Pilgrim Center. She frequently reads them at the beginning of her MAC workdays.
On top of the significance and rare opportunity to do this work, Jeanne said that it’s also a tremendous amount of pure fun for her, especially to see all the little tasks that result in the beautiful and functional spaces that will preserve Baba’s “scent” for those in the future. That could include us too, she added!
Jeanne’s full-time service to MAC has been ongoing for six years now. “Six years and I just want to keep going because I LOVE doing this work! I just started working with the fundraising committee and it feels like I’m in the begging phase of the New Life.”
“I wish people would come out and see the building. It’s the ultimate creative project and it’s the ultimate opportunity for me to be able to do this work.”
In this time of thanksgiving and celebration, we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported MAC in whatever capacity. Your generosity and belief in our mission allows us to continue this important work of collecting, preserving, and sharing artifacts and other materials associated with the life and legacy of our beloved Meher Baba.
It is very touching to see how people’s hearts are moved to participate in this project for the benefit of future generations. We feel it is a gift to have this opportunity to serve and honor Baba, and of course it is to Him we are most grateful.
Thank you for being part of the Meher Archive Collective community!
John Dalisky
MAC Fundraising Chair
Ever wonder who the Information Tech group is for Meher Archive Collective (MAC)? Meet Cheryl Johnson, Maria Brummel, and John Dalisky.
MAC is still a small organization, but we do have needs for technology tools and services. We provide support to our fundraising, communications, archive, and leadership teams. We maintain and support our websites, volunteer tools, fundraising systems, email, and information storage.
We are working on two key projects for our future. First is the recent, temporary relocation of our key computer and storage systems in preparation for the final move to the MAC building in Weaverville. This temporary relocation gives us more flexibility and responsiveness in the near term.
Second, we are working hard to complete a project that will allow all visitors to our website to view and research our MAC collection artifacts. We plan to complete our test site by the end of 2024. We are very excited about this! You will hear more about this soon!
DHUNI: Our next Dhuni will be on Thursday, December 12th, at 3:30 p.m. and located on the lawn of the MAC building as usual. The Dhuni is now held on the 12th of each month. Please check your email announcements for reminders and updates. We welcome you, your music, poetry, and stories.
IN TOUCH WITH MAC: MAC’s “Baba Zoom” Program “In Touch with Meher Archive Collective – Cherishing Meher Baba’s Legacy” is a regular feature of MAC’s communications with the Baba community. It features a variety of topics related to preserving Baba's legacy. Our recent program with Ray Lee on his work with video and audio recordings occurred a few days ago and will be soon available on our YouTube channel for those who missed the live presentation. All are welcome to join us on for this bi-monthly program. Our next live program will be Saturday, February 9th, 11:00 a.m. Details to come.
YOUTUBE: Check out Meher Archive Collective’s YouTube Channel. Here are some of our recent videos:
- Coming soon: Ward Parks on “Baba’s New Life, Then and Now”
- An interview with Ursula Reinhart from the “In Touch with MAC” series
- Coming soon: “In Touch with MAC” interview with Raymond Lee
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
In late May and early June, I had the opportunity to experience a group pilgrimage to Avila and Assisi, retracing Meher Baba's steps in those two marvelous medieval cities. I was reminded, especially in Avila because of my deep personal connection with Saint Teresa, that modern travelers continue to be drawn to places of pilgrimage because these environments have a sanctity and a specialness. Even in the face of modern life and its distractions, seekers arrive to feel the atmosphere and to explore their own inner depths.
The historical and spiritual significance of Avila and Assisi compelled Baba to visit them, likely recharging them with a renewed sense of depth and love. It makes me wonder about other places in our world as they pertain to Baba’s work, and what they will mean for future generations.
Decades from now, it is my hope that MAC will become a magnet for seekers who want to experience the physical embodiment of some of the artifacts that belonged to Baba and His mandali, that He used and touched and gave away. When all of those who met Baba, or met the mandali are gone, there will still be precious treasures to see and stories to be told about them. In recent months, we’ve had visitors from California to Florida. They come, curious about MAC, and hear the news that the second floor is completed and awaiting final inspections. It’s not just the treasures themselves that matter — it’s also the value of preserving and conveying Meher Baba’s impact in the West.
Visitors can enter the space now, passing through the newly installed Guruprasad doors donated by Larry and Rita Karrasch! Those who are familiar with the original Guruprasad Palace, or have visited the Guruprasad Memorial in Pune, have a special feeling for them. They hold, and perhaps convey, some of the rich and enlivening stories of life with Baba. These doors, along with other treasures associated with Baba that were donated to MAC, offer good reasons for Baba pilgrims to visit, to feel, and to connect with His love. All are welcome. Come soon.
In His Loving Embrace,
[email protected]
Jurgis Molds: precious items in the MAC collection
Meher Archive Collective is home to many wondrous treasures that fill the heart with joy. Photos and dhuni ashes and buttons touched by Baba – all of these invaluable items are what make the archive into something truly special. It’s an honor and an indescribable joy to care for each and every treasure entrusted to MAC.
Recently, we added some fascinating new treasures to our collection that you may have heard about: a set of “Jurgis molds” of beloved Meher Baba's hands and feet!
Jurgis was entrusted with plaster casts taken of Meher Baba’s feet, footprints and right hand. These casts and corresponding molds, now a part of MAC’s collection, were made from the originals by Jurgis.
It was a breathtaking experience to open the box when this collection first made its way to my desk. Anyone who has seen casts made from these molds might know what the experience is like, but I will try to describe it for anyone who has not felt it firsthand. I opened the box and carefully took out the plaster casts of Baba’s feet. I felt at once as if I was shaking hands with an international celebrity and like I was hugging an old friend for the thousandth time.
I often overuse the phrase “this is what archiving is all about,” but this really is the heart of what we do.
The connection flowing through these treasures, from Baba to the mandali, to Jurgis making the molds, and down to us today is indescribable. It’s a connection through time and space, to those before and after us. In these casts, we connect to Jurgis as a child in Lithuania, to Baba and all His love, and to everyone who has experienced that love. I know that the Jurgis molds will mean a tremendous amount to the world, now and in the future.
We look forward to having visitors come to our permanent home and sit with these precious treasures.
Here is the latest news about the wonderful library being constructed at the MAC building.
Peter Nordeen and Connor McCauley have installed the main framing of the shelving that will hold the collection. The individual shelves will be finished next.
As to our burgeoning collection of Baba-related books, fiction written by Baba followers is a category that has turned up some rare finds. Recent additions are: I Once Met John Lennon: And Other Short Stories by Matthew Breindel, The Temple Dancer: A Novel of India and Tiger Claws, both by John Speed. English literature majors will be writing dissertations about these books in the future!
A major “finishing touch” of the second floor construction was the installation of the beautiful and historic doors from Guruprasad on August 12th! Peter Nordeen, Wilson Van Winkle, Jeanne Felknor and Connor McCauley completed the work.
If you haven’t seen it yet, please check out the video about the Guruprasad doors here. Guruprasad Doors Installed at Meher Archive Collective ( |
One of the last tasks that needs to be completed for Phase 1 renovations is the final wiring for the fire alarm system. The fire marshall was given the plans for the fire alarm system and we will request the inspection as soon as the work is complete.
The very last step will be the final building inspection, which we eagerly await. We do not anticipate any significant issues since all other major inspections were completed and passed. Once we pass that inspection, we will be able to occupy the building!
We are pleased to cheer on our Asheville Music Sahavas friends as they present another musical gathering to celebrate our Beloved.
ASHEVILLE MUSIC SAHAVAS Weekend of October 25th - 27th
MUSIC & MORE: MAC Tour, Potluck, and Talk by Ward Parks (details below)
Music goes straight to the heart. And that is sure to happen when our singer/songwriters take the stage at the Asheville Music Sahavas 2024.
This year, for the first time, the Sahavas will be amid the golden fall foliage of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Sahavas is on Friday, October 25th, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, October 26th, starting at 1:30 p.m. It will take place at the Kittredge Theater, located on the campus of Warren Wilson College, near Asheville, NC.
In another first, the Sahavas will be free! We want everyone who is interested to be able to attend.
Our line-up of wonderful tune-smiths will sing their hearts out for Beloved Meher Baba:
- Jamie Newell
- Jim Meyer and Pam Rubenstein
- Mark Trichka and Lisa Brande
- Beverly Smith and Jason Homan
- Raine Eastman-Gannett
- Cathy Riley and friends
- Ward Parks and friends
6:30 p.m. Music program starts - Warren Wilson College, Kittredge Theater
Saturday, October 26
10:30 a.m. MAC group tour - 53 Red Oak School Rd. Weaverville
1:30 p.m. Music program starts - Warren Wilson College, Kittredge Theater
Sunday, October 27
11:30 a.m. Potluck followed by
1:00 p.m. Talk by Ward Parks - topic and location TBD
Join us in October for a wonderful weekend of music and inspiration!
Jai Baba!
Maria Brummel - Newsletter Coordinator and IT Team Member

After hopping around from job to job, Maria decided to return to college and received her BA in Computer Science in 1999. It was at her first computer programming job that she met her husband, Andy. In 2003, she left her job and took an extended hiatus to raise her four children and to teach childbirth classes from her home. Then, seven years ago, she jumped at an opportunity to go back to work full time in the IT world.
Maria enjoys reading, traveling, hiking, and taking care of her two Golden Retrievers.
At around nineteen, Maria saw Meher Baba’s face for the first time on a card with the words “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Despite her cynicism, she was intrigued by Baba’s joyous face and the lovely quote on the back of the card. But it wasn’t until nearly 5 years later, when reading Discourses, that she fell head over heels into Baba’s arms.
She considers herself very lucky to contribute in any way she can to further the cause of preserving Meher Baba’s legacy through Meher Archive Collective.
Saturday, October 12th, at 4:30 p.m. we will hold our next Dhuni located on the lawn of the MAC building. From October on, the Dhuni will be held on the 12th of each month. We welcome you, your music, poetry, and stories.
Friday, October 25th, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, October 26th, at 1:30 p.m. The Asheville Music Sahavas will take place at the Kittredge Theater, located on the campus of Warren Wilson College, near Asheville, NC.
Saturday, October 26th, at 10:30 a.m. During the Music Sahavas weekend MAC is offering a Tour of the MAC Building. Come out to 53 Red Oak School Road, Weaverville, NC. For more information contact: [email protected].
Sunday, Oct. 27th, 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. After the Music Sahavas on Sunday, Oct. 27th, there will be a Potluck at 11:30 a.m., followed by a Talk by Baba-scholar, Dr. Ward Parks at 1:00 p.m. Topic and location are to be determined.
Check out Meher Archive Collective’s YouTube Channel. Here are some of our recent videos:
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
A few days ago I received an email from a woman I had met when she was a very young child from a migrant family in California. Because Nancy's parents had no medical resources, I had taken her to an optometrist to get glasses, and told her: "You will do great things in life."
Although I don't recall this incident, what moved me was her wish to say thank you after decades in between, and to express gratitude for something that she said permanently altered her future life. She carried a seed of hope in her heart that bloomed into a successful adult life.
My personal seed of hope came directly from time in the tomb with Baba and from the mandali when I was a young adult. I needed their love and understanding to help me sort through the confusion of my family history. One of my favorite memories involved Arnavaz, who in one of our many conversations told me very softly and with a great deal of conviction: "Well, my dear, give it all to Baba."
Her profound words have become a daily practice over the decades since then. In my better moments, when my inner house is swept clean of strangers, I like to express gratitude to all of the volunteers over time who have contributed their labor of love to further MAC’s development. We would not be where we are today without their loving dedication!
During these three months since our last newsletter, MAC received the Max Seibert Collection, and in that process we met his brother, Jeff, who lovingly and carefully handed over sixty boxes, and numerous paintings and photographs. Special thanks go to Ty Provosty for his role in connecting Jeff with MAC.
This is only one example of the mysterious ways in which Baba opens the doors. I believe it is our job to walk through these doorways, and to find ways to communicate and cooperate so that our internal connection with Baba and our work in the world for Him become a singular expression of His love.
One of the doorways we are walking through as an organization is to address the next major project at the MAC building. Half of the building’s roof was repaired about three years ago, which protects the archive areas, the library, and other meeting spaces. Now it’s time that the remaining portion of the roof be repaired, with an estimated cost of $70,000 using Peter Nordeen and his crew. By comparison, a local commercial firm priced the roof project at $198,000. We are exploring creative ways to support this needed repair. If you would like to contribute ideas or financial support, please let us know.
In His Loving Embrace,
[email protected] / 203.915.8017
Celebration Time!
by Claire Barrett BFA, MLIS, Archives Manager
Next Steps in the Building Renovation Project with Peter Nordeen
by Michael Ivey
I had not been out to the Red Oak building in several weeks, so when I visited on May 8, I was quite impressed with the completion of the 2nd floor of the “classroom wing” (“Phase 1”) — it’s beautiful up there, complete with an elevator and a 36-camera security system!
The most pressing need at the moment is the repair of the roof over the south (auditorium) wing. The roof repair over the north wing was completed a few years ago, and safely protects the accomplished renovations on the 2nd floor.
Peter took me to the 2nd floor of the south wing and gave me a close-up look at the challenges with the roof. In several places, the old, rotted-out wood decking and rafters allow rainwater to pour right in. This is being temporarily managed with tarps and large plastic garbage cans to catch the leaks when it rains, but the immediate need for a functional roof structure is obvious.
Peter and his building crew can accomplish the repair for an estimated $70,000. Currently, all donations to the MAC project will be doubled by the matching grant from an anonymous donor, so please be generous!
Volunteers are welcomed who can help with ongoing renovation work and clean-up as well as eventually assist in moving into the building. If you are interested please contact Hugh Huntington [email protected]
Become Part of the Exciting Future of Serving Baba’s Legacy!
Ahoy all!
When you donate during the spring “Ark-ive” Campaign, your contribution will be matched up to $50,000 by a generous donor. This is a remarkable opportunity to double the impact of your contribution!
And the match will give MAC the ability to start repairing the roof over the auditorium, making progress on the longer term goal of having that space available for use by the Baba community.
Additionally, your contributions enable MAC to provide our volunteers with the necessary equipment, tools, and resources to continue to successfully preserve Baba’s treasures. We continue to be inspired by the generosity of our supporters. Thank You!
With love to all in Baba,
John Dalisky, Fundraising Chair
Jean Brunet
Evie Lindemann
Scott Tower
What’s New with the MAC collection
by Claire Barrett
Betty Grant Collection - Cassette tape and 8 track fans rejoice! The Betty Grant collection, consisting of roughly 600 audio tapes, is being processed in preparation for digitization and transcription. This vast collection contains recordings of Betty reading various books such as “That’s How It Was” by Eruch Jessawala and all three volumes of “Mehera-Meher” by David Fenster. Also, there are recordings of Western and Eastern lovers who met Baba, Kitty Davy speaking about consciousness, music and more. All who knew Betty Grant will be able to hear her voice once more on these precious tapes, and what a treat that shall be! |
Max was a tremendously kind individual, a talented tennis player, and a devoted Baba lover. His collection brings not only artwork, but also audio tapes, letters, and books. We’re honored to be able to assist in carrying out his final wishes, as well as grateful for the chance to give such a massive collection a permanent home. You will hear more about this valuable collection in the near future.
Susan McKendree Gave a Baba-ful Account about Researching and Writing “Blue Bus Tours”
Claire Barrett, MAC’s archive manager hosted this interesting discussion of Susan’s research process and what compelled her to undertake this project of writing “Blue Bus Tours.” She reveals fascinating behind-the-scenes details and stories about her eight-year journey to publication.
You can see past programs on our YouTube channel. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe.
"Jai Baba" from all of us at MAC!
The Library Collection Continues to Accept Donations
Our deepest appreciation to our many contributors, and please contact me if you have questions or want to donate materials!
In the Loving Service of Meher Baba,
Anne Barker
[email protected]
You Can Become Involved with MAC’s Mission
Volunteers are Essential to Carrying Forward Meher Baba’s Legacy
✍🏼 COMMUNICATIONS: Volunteers who have skills in writing, videography, website design & management, and social media are needed.
💻 IT: Are computers and programming your passion? The IT team is looking for one or two more members.
🎤 ARCHIVES: Are you interested in the preservation of Baba’s legacy? You can help with scanning and photographing letters, documents, and other tangible treasures. We are also looking for transcribers, work that can be done locally or remotely.
🎉 FUNDRAISING: We welcome volunteers who have experience in developing major donor relationships, managing annual campaigns, grant writing, direct marketing, and special event management.
To discover more about these volunteer opportunities or others, contact: [email protected]
Monthly Dhuni Brings the Baba Community Together in His Name
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
Here in Asheville, spring is starting to express itself … trees are budding, and crocuses and daffodils are blooming. This seasonal display brings to mind the word “possibilities.” I'd like to share how I envision this time in Meher Archive Collective’s manifestation as one which is full of possibilities!
First, MAC functions almost entirely on the talents and skills of those who hear Meher Baba's call to service. We are fortunate to have many such individuals who live locally. But, we also have volunteers from California and the Midwest, and others expressing interest from other countries. Our growing list of volunteer opportunities can be filled either locally or non-locally. The volunteer section below suggests ways to be of service in preserving and sharing Baba’s legacy.
I see numerous possibilities for sharing Baba’s message of love with others as the MAC building team nears the completion of Phase 1. We will have safe on-site archive work spaces for staff and volunteers. There will be ample opportunities to volunteer in the archives using many different skill sets.
The next construction project is to complete the 100-year-old building’s roof repair. It will require additional funds estimated at $70,000. We are exploring creative ways to support this project. If you or those in your network would like to contribute ideas or financial support, please let us know.
Finally, the opportunities for MAC being able to help on a global scale continue to present themselves. Recently we heard from Jill Hobbs, a Baba lover in New Zealand. Jill has been caring for a valuable collection gathered by Anthony Thorpe. Anthony was a dedicated Baba follower who was the driving force behind a small Baba group in New Zealand. He traveled to India multiple times, always with recording equipment to preserve the mandali’s talks and stories on tape. Due to Anthony's foresight about the importance of doing this, and the care given to the collection by Jill, MAC will be receiving the Thorpe Tape Collection soon. We are excited about this "across the world" connection!
In His Loving Embrace,
[email protected] / 203.915.8017
Part 1: Exciting Baba Treasures Donated by Rita and Larry Karrasch from the Dr. Harry Kenmore Collection
The Karraschs have an extensive collection of Baba-related treasures due to their decades-long journey with Baba, His mandali, Dr. Harry Kenmore, as well as Larry’s mother’s involvement with the Society for Avatar Meher Baba (SAMB). They have been caretakers of this incomparable collection for three decades, having received them due to various circumstances. Now and in the future, they will be donating many items to MAC.
The Karrasch Collection consists of three separate groupings: the Dr. Harry Kenmore Collection, the SAMB Collection, and the Karrasch Family Collection. For now, we are highlighting two exciting items that our Archive manager, Claire Barrett, recently processed from Dr. Kenmore’s Collection.
The Karraschs explained their decision to donate their collections to MAC. “We knew that we had a big responsibility as caretakers for Baba’s legacy items. We looked hard to find a good place to begin to transfer items and to leave instructions in our will. We heard about the school that MAC bought in Weaverville, NC, and began to follow their progress of renovating the building.
“We saw how people were working hard to prepare this building to house and share archival treasures of Baba for now and the future. The group, with Peter Nordeen at the helm of the renovation and Jeanne Felknor narrating through videos the progress news – impressed us a lot!
“Something Jeanne said really touched us. She said ‘that even if MAC has only one hair of Baba’s it would all be worth it!’ At that moment we knew that Baba had answered our prayers.
“We have guarded these sacred items very carefully and shown our love, respect and gratitude to each item every day. We feel that MAC will care for each sacred item in the same way.”
You can read more about Rita’s and Larry’s personal stories, their friendships with Dr. Kenmore, and Dr. Kenmore’s relationship with Baba here: Karrasch Collection - MEHER ARCHIVE COLLECTIVE
by Claire Barrett BFA, MLIS, Archives Manager
It is wonderful that so many Baba lovers are contributing to MAC’s archive collection. We now have more than 300 boxes of items under our care and keeping!
We want to introduce you to some of our newest treasures. Recently, we received from Gary Kenny imprints and casts made of Baba’s feet. They had been with Gary and his wife Judy since the late 1980s when they acquired them on their visits to Meherabad. Welcome to the collection, Gary; we’re so happy you passed the torch to us after many years of loving care for such gems.
Returning donors Rita and Larry Karrasch added to their collection in December. We were so happy when they reached out, and even more thrilled upon opening some of the boxes!
Also, a recent donation of 17 audio tapes expanded MAC’s “Om Point Archive” Collection. Work begins soon to digitize and transcribe the tapes so that others can hear Eruch Jessawala speaking first hand about Baba.
If you’re interested in volunteering with MAC, this is a perfect opportunity for you. Transcription can be done from anywhere in the world, so drop us a line if this work interests you. As for local folks wanting to lend a helping hand, we’d be happy to teach you the process of digitizing tapes. You’d be joining an incredible team!
Finishing Projects Bring us Closer to Completing Phase 1
Two major projects were accomplished in the past three months. First, the meticulous work of refurbishing many of the building’s original cabinets was completed with all the old and new cabinets installed in the second-floor rooms. Also, new countertops have been ordered or custom-made onsite for the cabinets.
Another significant accomplishment: the floors in the second-floor rooms have three coats of polyurethane after hundreds of hours of sanding to address almost 60 years wear and tear.
Other important tasks either completed or underway include:
- Commercial-grade locks were installed on all the doors.
- Two new steel fire doors were purchased and installed.
- Security cameras were installed.
- The HVAC system passed the final inspection.
- Baseboards were installed in all the rooms.
- Fire alarm circuits are receiving their final review.
- Internet service was upgraded.
- Plans are being studied for repairing the gymnasium roof.
In His Service,
Hugh Huntington
[email protected]
You Can Become Involved with MAC’s Mission
Volunteers Essential to Carrying Forward Meher Baba’s Legacy
✍🏼 COMMUNICATIONS: Volunteers who have skills in writing, videography, website design & management, and social media are needed. As MAC becomes more active in the public arena and with special events, we will welcome individuals with Public Relations & Marketing skills.
💻 IT: Are computers and programming your passion? The IT team is looking for one or two more members.
🎤 ARCHIVES: Are you interested in the preservation of Baba’s legacy? See the Archive article above or consider this additional opportunity.
- Scanning and photographing of letters, documents, and other tangible treasures. MAC is currently working on the Theus Malmberg Collection.
To discover more about these volunteer opportunities or others, contact: [email protected]
Become Part of the Exciting Future of Serving Baba’s Legacy!
MAC is extraordinarily grateful for the community’s engagement in 2023. As moving into the renovated building becomes closer to a reality, MAC is concentrating its fundraising efforts on its mission of preserving and sharing Baba’s legacy. MAC currently has more than 300 boxes of materials to safely archive, and we receive more each month. Not only are we processing the collections, we are also researching new software tools to most effectively record and share this information.
The community’s support will ensure the fruition of this mission and its goals! Our monthly Sustaining donors help ensure a financial steadiness that allows our teams to plan for both the building’s operation, as well as the caretaking of the sacred Collection. We invite you to consider a monthly gift, if you haven’t already.
A 2024 Spring Campaign will soon roll out that will focus on one-time donations to support the archiving activities, overall ongoing operations, and the next renovation project involving roof repair. MAC is also exploring funding through public and private grants. If you have any connections or suggestions in this area, please feel free to contact us.
Let me end by saying thank you to everyone for your valuable contributions of time and financial resources.
With love to all in Baba,
John Dalisky, Fundraising Chair
Jean Brunet
Evie Lindemann
Scott Tower
The Library Collection Continues to Accept Donations

Our deepest appreciation to our many contributors, and please contact me if you have questions or want to donate materials!
In the Loving Service of Meher Baba,
Anne Barker
[email protected]
Monthly Dhuni Brings the Baba Community Together in His Name
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
We are nearing the end of the year, and as I look back, what I am experiencing is a group of dedicated volunteers extending their talents and love for Meher Baba, and shaping them into activities to move Meher Archive Collective forward. And I am deeply appreciative to all of you who have taken an interest in MAC and its development!
One of the most fascinating things for me is to witness MAC's worldwide reach, which includes inquiries and donations from India, Dubai, Europe, and from various parts of the United States. This seems to be the time in Baba's advent when His messages of love and spirituality need to go farther than ever. This requires cooperation across the globe between various centers and groups. It is MAC's mission to "collect, preserve, and share" items related to Meher Baba, and we look forward to working with other centers and groups in service to Him. We hope you will help us with this most important task.
In His Embrace,
[email protected] / 203.915.8017
End-of-Year Matching Campaign goal is $10,000. Act now to maximize your donation!
We are happy to report a successful conclusion to MAC’s Springtide fundraising campaign at the end of September 2023. The final tally of donations was nearly $39,000, which was then matched by one of MAC’s generous patrons, totaling approximately $78,000! These monies provide support for MAC’s archiving operations, which help pay for the needed tools, supplies, utilities, shipping, and IT software and hardware. We cannot do this without your support!
MAC will be closing out 2023 with an End-of-Year fundraising campaign, with a goal of $10,000. Happily, we again have matching funds of each dollar donated, up to $10,000, and are hopeful many of you can find a way to donate to MAC before year-end! Let’s take advantage of our matching donor opportunity!
I invite you to enjoy the short video in the link below, which will introduce you to the new archival spaces at the MAC building. It is exciting to imagine the work that will be accomplished here in preserving the legacy of the Avatar. You can help us do that.
We wish happiness, well-being, and fulfillment in the coming year to all in our community!
With love and thanks to all in Baba,
John Dalisky, Fundraising Chair
Jean Brunet
Evie Lindemann
Scott Tower
Thousands of hours offered by MAC’s volunteers and staff bring MAC’s building closer to occupancy!
The following tasks have been accomplished:
- Installation of insulation and sheetrock
- Replastering, priming and painting of north and south stairwells
- Replastering of second-floor ceilings
- Installation of repurposed second-floor ceiling tiles
- Installation of second-floor lights
- Priming and painting of all second-floor rooms, hallways, and doors
- Replacement of 56 windowsills and the painting of window frames
- Finishing of archive workroom and office
- Installation of plumbing, tiles and fixtures for second-floor restrooms
- Sanding of second-floor maple floors in preparation for staining
- Installation of elevator/lift
- Construction of door framework to house Guruprasad doors
- Completion of north entry doorway with glass panels and locks
- Installation of Fire doors and completion of safe storage on floors one and two
- Installation of copper cable conductor wiring
In His Service,
Hugh Huntington
[email protected]
Restoration Station: repairing precious books
by Claire Barrett MLIS, Archives Manager
Recently, MAC received a donation from Philip Creager that contained an especially precious book in need of repair. Philip graciously donated a copy of God Speaks signed by Meher Baba Himself. It was clear immediately how many times the book had been read as the binding was very loose. But it was also clear how much love had gone into keeping the book safe. Before reaching MAC, staff at the State Library in Columbia, SC, custom-made an archival box specifically for this treasure.
After receiving this priceless donation, our librarian and board member Anne Barker took it to a local bookbinder, Judith Beers. She was able to repair the binding and keep the cover attached to the book. We’re grateful to Judith for not only handling God Speaks so gently, but also for walking Anne through the entire process. Now MAC will be able to add this book to its collection, knowing it will last for years to come.
Meher Archive Collective’s Oral History Archive
Enjoy this invigorating, informative session which was hosted in Asheville, NC, on July 22, 2023. The event was shared live on Baba Zoom, and was recorded for MAC’s Oral History Archive.
Meher Baba's Life: Q & A with Ward Parks & Peter Nordeen
- Part 2 -
Volunteers are essential to carrying forward Meher Baba’s Legacy
ARCHIVES: Are you interested in assisting in the work of preserving Meher Baba’s legacy? Consider joining our archive team as there are immediate opportunities for doing Baba work and learning new skills, too.
The archives are working on two large-scale projects, the first can be accomplished remotely and the second worked on in-person:
- Transcribing audio tapes in the Betty Grant collection - includes talks by Kitty Davy and recordings from the Midwest gathering of May, 2000.
- Scanning and photographing of letters, documents, and other tangible treasures. MAC is currently working on the Wolf and Sheep collection donated by Ursula Reinhart. Following its completion, work will commence on the Theus Malmberg collection.
COMMUNICATIONS: MAC’s Communications team wishes to expand. Those who have skills in writing, editing, videography, website design & management, and social media are needed. As MAC becomes more active in the public arena and as well as in other Baba communities, we are seeking a volunteer who has interest and experience in Public Relations & Marketing.
IT: Are computers and programming your passion? The IT team can benefit by one or two more members.
To discover more about these volunteer opportunities or others, contact: [email protected]
Lastly, supporter engagement on MAC’s Social Media platforms is extremely important and helps share Baba’s legacy with the world. You can help by following MAC’s Facebook and Instagram pages, and subscribing to our YouTube Channel (see links below).
In Touch with MAC - Roger Stephens, Baba Zoom, Oct 14, 2023
The Library Collection continues to expand
If we find that we have too many copies of one title, we will make these available for sale as used books. It is sometimes a challenge to find out-of-print Baba books.
The library volunteers thank you for generously donating your books. Please contact me if you have questions about the library or want to donate materials!
In the Loving Service of Meher Baba,
Anne Barker
[email protected]
Monthly Dhuni Brings the Baba Community Together in His Name
Chaat & Chat Chai Pani dinner was a great success

More than 100 awesome guests were in attendance who were regaled by Meherwan’s talk that focused on living and working with Baba’s teaching of Mastery in Servitude. (Watch for an updated video soon to be available on MAC’s YouTube channel.)
Thank you to the Meher Baba and local communities for your participation. And heartfelt appreciation to Meherwan, Chai Pani and the volunteers for creating a fantastic night!
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
Greetings to each one of you from all around the world. We love hearing from you, appreciate your interest and support, and are grateful for your enthusiasm for this work offered in Love for Baba.
Directing tours of Baba lovers through the Meher Archive Collective building brought an exquisite edge of surprise and wonder during the recent Music Sahavas weekend in Asheville. Hugh Huntington fielded questions as visitors viewed the newly appointed rooms designated for future use. Those who had seen MAC in past years were astonished at the changes. We share some of their comments.
"I was impressed with the amount of work and dedication that the team of volunteers continues to put into this beautiful old building. I can imagine many amazing gatherings in Baba's Cause in this space. Thank you to all who have played their different roles in this undertaking.” - Fereshteh
"It is magical to see all the improvements to the building since our last visit! The lift and second floor are so welcoming. So wonderful to see the vision unfolding, with dedicated volunteers and fundraising." - Angela
"What this small crew at the MAC is doing for Meher Baba is impressive!" - Anonymous
"We really feel this is for Baba, and we are so excited!" - Anonymous
"The tour was wonderful. It's very exciting to see it coming together." - Alisa
Earlier this summer, an afternoon Tea for MAC volunteers was held at Jean Brunet and Phil Ludwig's home. Its purpose was to show appreciation to our volunteers and to introduce John Dalisky, a key member of the IT team from California. Volunteers gathered to socialize and hear a building progress report by Peter Nordeen and an IT update from John Dalisky. The IT team implemented a Volunteer software program that coordinates volunteer teams and records volunteer hours for the purposes of tax reporting, grants, and other funding opportunities.
MAC initiated contact with Avatar's Abode Archives in Australia to develop collaborative practices for sharing Meher Baba's legacy across the world. An energized first meeting was held in late August with more to come as we develop common projects and practices. The Australian archives are beautifully organized and MAC anticipates fruitful outcomes as we collaborate with their dedicated team.
Let us continue to move forward, as we listen internally for ways to please Baba with the development of MAC for the current generation and for those to come.
In His Embrace,
[email protected] / 203.915.8017
Meher Archive Collective invites you to a dinner and talk with Meherwan Irani,
James Beard Award-winning chef
Meherwan's talent for creating a flavorful fusion of Indian street foods garnered more than accolades from a growing customer (fan) base; he won the prestigious James Beard Award for America’s Most Outstanding Restaurant in 2022. And recently, Meherwan was asked by the Vice President to cater a luncheon for India’s Prime Minister in Washington, D.C. He served a completely vegetarian meal — a first for a State Department event.
At MAC’s festive dinner, you will be treated to a Chai Pani buffet and Meherwan will talk about his journey into the culinary arts, his inspirations, and his distinguished honors. The event will raise funds for Meher Archive Collective.
Land of the Sky UCC
15 Overbrook Place
Asheville, NC 28805
You may sponsor others to dine with us — any monies we are unable to award will go into our general fund.
If you have any questions contact [email protected]
MAC’s Springtide Campaign Ends this Month. Act now to maximize your donation!
A Specific Giving Opportunity to cover unexpected infrastructure needs . . .In order to accomplish a from-the-ground-up renovation of the massive Red Oak School building, all of the building’s 95-year-old infrastructure had to be torn out and replaced, the replacements being subject to modern building code standards. Given limited resources and labor, the job was divided into three phases — and phase one is nearing completion! Each of the four sections (upper floor, lower floor, kitchen, auditorium) of the building are served by large electrical sub-panels, fed from the 1200 amp main panel that’s connected to the incoming feed from the power grid (utility poles). | Newly purchased copper cable conductors ready for installation. |
This resulted in MAC’s having to buy and install an unbudgeted large amount of copper cable conductors. The heavy copper conductors alone came to $11,400. With the estimate for labor at $4,500, the total is $15,900. The ball-park estimate by the electrical contractor for wiring the first floor came to $45,000, plus additional monies for labor costs.
Such are the surprises that Baba has in store for amazing endeavors like the Meher Archive Collective project.
WIth love and thanks to all in Baba,
John Dalisky, Fundraising Chair
Evie Lindemann
Scott Tower
Jean Brunet
Take a virtual tour with Jeanne Felknor of late summer progress
| August has been an extraordinarily busy month at MAC for the work crew, volunteers, and MAC’s board members. Please enjoy taking a video tour with Jeanne Felknor and celebrating all of the recent accomplishments with us! |
Volunteer, Wilson Van Winkle, goes on a pilgrimage and brings back a Baba treasure
"I can break off from anyone,
except that presence within.
Anyone can bring gifts.
Give me someone who takes away." - Rumi
When my son, Jonathan, invited me "to do the Camino de Santiago" with him and a friend, an unqualified YES leapt from my lips. Little did I know that the destination of my "pilgrimage" would not be Santiago, Spain, but Meher Baba's Samadhi in Meherabad, India.
We began our 500-mile Camino in April. Going step by step was painful at times, but allowed the beauty of the countryside and the uniqueness of the villages and its people to be taken in. New friends from all over the world came into my heart and then went, as we had different walking paces and stayed in different places. With the first rain, my phone died, and with it my Kindle library of books that I had cleverly brought, all of my contacts with my primary means of "staying in touch," and in a mysterious way, my personal history. To top it off, my son and I had an altercation and, subsequently, decided to do the Camino separately. I was alone with Baba, the Elusive Presence.
I completed the Santiago portion of my Camino and headed toward Meherabad, via Assisi, Italy. My love for Saint Francis, who like Mehera, loved his Beloved above all else, justified the "detour." The presence of the love of Saint Francis can still be felt and I wept as I entered Assisi.
On to Meherabad. Twenty-five years ago I was caught in Baba's Love-net, and now, my first trip to India. The places made sacred by the Presence of the God-man, and the articles touched and used by Him, caused His Presence to blossom like a spring garden in my heart. I could feel the unqualified YES to Baba arising within.
In reflection, Baba not only takes away, but gives, unreservedly to all, in a more refined way, through inner links, beauty, and whatever other ways to serve His wish. One of the inner links occurred when I met Vijay Bhalekar. That chance meeting resulted in Vijay learning about the work of MAC and he wished to add to MAC’s Guruprasad collection with a Baba treasure he had from his family’s connection with Baba.
A gift from Vijay Bhalekar — a piece of Guruprasad history
Recently, while visiting Meherabad for the first time, Wilson met Vijay Sulloo Bhalekar, a Baba lover since his childhood. Vijay’s father, Sulloo Meshram, was in contact with Meher Baba since 1938 and stayed near Baba and His mandali in Jabalpur. Vijay asked Wilson to deliver to MAC an important Baba treasure from Baba’s Guruprasad days. Wilson hand-delivered the treasure in early August to MAC’s archival department. Vijay was in close contact with Baba on many auspicious occasions. Vijay says, “I got His touch in 1953 at Nagpur and later in 1960 at Guruprasad, in 1962 at the East-West gathering, in 1963 and 1964, and finally during the Last darshan in 1969.” Vijay has visited the Meher Spiritual Center several times since 1978. He hopes to someday visit MAC as well. | A floor tile from Guruprasad in Pune was recently displayed during MAC’s public tours. |
Vijay shares: “I hope you find the tile useful in light of the memory of the Avatar’s work for those who love Him.” MAC is deeply appreciative of this gift and of the “inner links” Baba so carefully orchestrates.
Accountant Amy Tipps Joins MAC

As my years continued, I found that I better related to the non-profit industry and the rules and regulations that follow suit. Ten years ago, I relocated to North Carolina to raise my son, Sam. I fell in love with the atmosphere and people here. I have continued working for the non-profit sector, most recently working as the Staff Accountant for WNC Communities for several years.
Over the last few years, as I have spent my time raising and teaching my son, I have enjoyed watching him grow! I am now back at school at AB-Tech where I am brushing up on accounting skills and eventually will start the path of getting my pilot’s license. I love the air and the speed. I look forward to the view from the cockpit!
Recently embracing my own spiritual path, I found peace and solitude in practicing silence. Although raising my son involves a lot of interaction, I am finding myself being generally more selective with my conversations and aware of choosing meaningful words.
I am excited to find Meher Baba and His teachings as I continue my spiritual journey. I hope to meet new people on my path and discover new experiences. I am invigorated to begin looking at this vast world and to consider exploring various areas with the goal of experiencing peace and furthering my knowledge of love.
Thank you for this opportunity to work with MAC.
Keith Gunn and Ward Parks share thoughts about the importance of Baba-related Archival work
| The “In Touch with Meher Archive Collective” program, hosted on Baba Zoom in August, featured two interviews with Keith Gunn and Ward Parks. Keith has edited or co-authored five books of stories and memoirs of Baba lovers. Ward has researched and written about early writings and messages given by Meher Baba. A recurring theme in the interviews centered around the role of archives in providing essential research materials for scholars. |
MAC's Monthly Dhunis Bring the Baba Community Together in His Name
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
In this quarter, the MAC building is growing into its new self, one that was present all along and now is beginning to manifest. With paint added to the second-floor walls and ceiling, it has taken on not just the feel of becoming an archive, but something even more subtle, a place of beauty and dedication to the Avatar. Lights are being installed, 73 in number, to create a well-lit environment for work going forward. A cascade of other tasks can be completed now, such as the final electrical work, door installation, and security cameras.
I see for myself that any path toward greater wisdom and love begins with a recognition of my own ignorance. Over the years I would not have grown inwardly without understanding that I often do not know, and have to lean into an edge of uncertainty. That edge is a powerful one in a way because it helps me to listen more deeply, and to respect what others know that I am unaware of. I see such dedicated and talented volunteers drawn to service with MAC because they love Meher Baba. These individuals work on communications, IT, finance, archiving, the building, and fundraising. What a gift it is for me to rub shoulders with each one.
I feel particularly appreciative of all the Baba lovers from many parts of the world who are helping to make MAC a reality through your generous donations. Our newest campaign is a Match campaign of $50,000, and I hope you will want to help by doubling the value of what you give. Thank you!
In His Embrace,
[email protected] / 203.915.8017
MAC’s Progress Thrives on the Generosity of Donors and Volunteers
MAC's vision is becoming clearer as we see rooms in our building now painted, and concrete discussions are underway on how MAC Archives, IT and the Library spaces will be set up for workspace and use. Thank you to so many who have volunteered their service and time towards manifesting MAC's vision.
We stand in huge gratitude to our MAC donors. Our Autumn/Winter fundraising campaign successfully met our financial goals and provided MAC the funds to continue the work on the building. We are now planning to move into the renovated spaces during the second half of this year. This could not be happening without the generosity of so many in the MAC community.
To manifest our vision of making Baba’s life and legacy available for present and future generations, MAC will continue to rely on the volunteer service of many, and on the generosity of continuing donations.
MAC will do this with two seasonal campaigns annually. The first is our Springtide Campaign, which is already underway with an anonymous $50,000 match. Every dollar you donate will be doubled!
We’d like to end by expressing gratitude for the ongoing contribution of your positive energy in the creation and unfoldment of MAC’s vision. We are rapidly moving toward having a tangible building and space, with people moving in and providing services locally as a thriving Baba community, and internationally through our digital Archive capabilities.
John Dalisky, Fundraising Chair
Evie Lindemann
Scott Tower
Jean Brunet
Rigorous Work to Move into the New Building in 2023 Continues
But at last, the walls were ready for priming in which we used 95 gallons of primer, followed by two coats of paint on all the walls.
Additionally, light fixtures are being installed during the next few weeks, followed by the completion of the major electrical cables. As His Lovers know, Baba is working through each of them, using their time, talents, and hearts. Please watch Baba’s work unfolding in this short video aptly titled “Lighting the Way”!
Voices From the Past: MAC’s audio-visual collection expands and how you can be a part of it!

Each and every piece in our collection is integral to our mission, but our audio collection is particularly interesting. Audio recordings offer us a particularly special chance to interact with the past in a tangible way. The power of the human voice is indescribable.
By Claire Barrett MLIS, Archives Manager
[email protected]
Join us for MAC’s presentation on Baba Zoom - June 3rd!
In May the Asheville Baba community was privileged to have a visit from Hardeep and Indra Hanspal. They toured the building renovation and Indra said, "It is like a palace!" Hardeep shared a heartfelt and moving talk with us about his time spent with Meher Baba and the mandali. This love feast made a huge impact on the gathering. The MAC Baba Zoom recording of his talk will be shown on Saturday, June 3rd at 11 a.m. Please join us at |
An invitation to volunteer with Meher Archive Collective: Serving the Master is the quickest means of realizing Him
In the Discourses, Baba states, “The service that the disciple can offer the Master is not only linked with the universal cause of humanity but is one of the most potent means of bringing the disciple nearer his spiritual goal.” As MAC matures, the on-line searchable archives will be available to serve the universal cause within awakening humanity.
It may be too easy for us to take for granted all that Baba has given us. As time progresses since His physical passing, unless care is given to all the stories and artifacts that many of us have, these things could be lost or become less accessible. The long-term vision for MAC is a large effort, with so many opportunities to support the archival work, both on-site and remote. This is a group effort, and whatever talents and skills you share will become the foundation to ensure future generations have access to know more of and to be touched by Baba.
Story has it that when St. Francis was on his deathbed, he said, “I have done what is mine to do. May Christ now teach you what you are to do.” Is Baba prompting you in any way to share your talents and love for Baba at MAC? If so, ask, “What is mine to do?”
Administrative Support: Office Work
Archive Support: Archives, Art Advisory Subcommittee, Processing, Scanning, Transcription
Leadership: Board of Directors - Board Member, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Governance Committee, Nominating Committee
Building & Grounds: Cleaning/Custodial, Construction, Painting
Communications: Communications Committee, Newsletter/MailChimp, Social Media, Vlog/YouTube, Website, Worldwide Baba Family Zoom
Fundraising: Fundraising Committee
Information Technology/Information Systems: Google Admin, IT/IS, Tech Support, Zoom Webhost
Library: Library Services
Programs/Events/Projects: P/E/P Creating, Facilitating
Volunteer Coordination/Human Resources: Human Resources, Volunteer Coordination - Volgistics
If you are interested in taking the next step to becoming a MAC Volunteer, visit our website [] or send us an email [mailto:[email protected]].
Contributed by Cheryl Johnson and Marilyn Buehler, IT/IS Volunteers
MAC’s Monthly Dhunis Bring the Baba Community Together in His Name
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
As a result of that change, I was asked to become the new Board Chair. Others have wondered what my vision for MAC includes. The other night I had a revealing dream in which my old, packed suitcase was carried off in a torrent of water. When I awakened I knew what the dream portended. MAC is in a cycle of change; those involved have the opportunity to grow with the organization through this dynamic time. I am assured by the diverse talent and dedication of our volunteers and staff that it is these gifts that will help us navigate forward. To that end, it is with great excitement that MAC has named its first Executive Director, John Giusto. This means that MAC is changing into an organization with a new governance structure.
I’m also happy to welcome several new volunteers who bring ideas and talents to MAC (see articles below). For example, the first Dhuni was held on MAC’s lawn in February with the help of seven volunteers. I hope it will continue with further volunteer commitment. We are ushering in a new era of on-site events.
As we look forward, this is the year that MAC opens its doors! It is a vision that began in 2016 with a small group of Baba lovers, followed by the purchase of an historic educational center in 2018. We have come far. MAC is becoming known as a dynamic hub for safely housing Baba's enduring legacy and some of His treasures. The opportunity to continue to expand this work will take an active, invested community. I am happy to share that each one of you can participate as a Sustainer Circle member to strengthen MAC’s future. Please read more about this new program below.
Let us embrace our strength to work collaboratively, and to remember we are involved with MAC because Baba's love sustains us—always. Stay with us, stay connected, and bring your talents!
In His Embrace,
[email protected] / 203.915.8017
New Sustainer Circle:
A Giving Community Where Every Donor and Dollar Counts!
Here are the steps involved in MAC’s future:
- Phase 1 – second floor, full archive move-in, library, bathroom, meeting & reflection spaces (fundraising complete, volunteers still working)
- Phase 2 – first floor, renovations incl. rental space, bathrooms, flooring (fundraising needed)
- Phase 3 – auditorium & its roof, kitchen, café, grounds, landscaping (fundraising needed)
Though expected dates for Phase 2 and Phase 3 have moved closer, MAC has specific financial needs for both Phases. Our end date depends entirely upon the progress of our fundraising. Let’s get to the completion party!
We know the value of both small and large donations; every donor and dollar matters. To encourage you to join us, we have created the Sustainer Circle for monthly donors. If everyone gives something each month, it will add up! Click on the website button to join the Circle today.
Evie Lindemann, Fundraising Chair
Jean Brunet
Christina Riley
John Dalisky
Scott Tower
Navigating Change by John Giusto, MD

My roles with MAC range from organizational design, and facilitating group processes, to coordinating individual efforts, all in a period of intense transition for MAC. We are shifting from a hands-on working board model to a governing board with an Executive Director. This work reflects MAC's mission of sharing Meher Baba’s Divine legacy in all manners and forms inspired by Him. And this is important work for all who choose to be involved with MAC in one way or another.
Because of its supreme importance for the true and final well-being of humanity, spiritual work has a natural and imperative claim on all who love humanity. [S]piritual workers have to redeem the world from the throes of imagined duality by bringing home to it the truth of the unity of all life. (1)
This work is not easy. It involves facing oneself and facing others. It involves active listening. From Listen, Humanity:
Honest differences between workers laboring in a common cause are signs of the vitality of the work. But a spirit of discipline is also essential in all creative activities of life. How can people work jointly without discipline, and on the other hand, where would there be scope for self-control and discipline if there were no differences between workers? (2)
As is so often the case in Baba’s books, we get an answer a little later on.
… [D]ifferences must be properly harmonized and fairly adjusted with the aid of discipline, which is more to be lived sincerely within oneself than enforced upon others. But neither differences nor discipline should ever be raised above love and truth. (3)
My aspirations for my role with MAC are to aid in this work without losing sight of these higher purposes, remembering that:
[Meher Baba] wants his lovers and workers, who are spreading his message of love to others, to share his love among themselves and to uphold the spirit of harmony and understanding in his name. He wants them to be less aggressive toward others and less tolerant toward themselves; and above all he wants them to love him wholeheartedly for He is the Ancient One who loves them more than they can ever love themselves. (4)
[email protected]
- “The Task for Spiritual Workers” in Discourses, 6th edition pp. 105-111.
- Listen Humanity Chapter 5, pp. 70-75.
- Ibid
- Point 7 from “Meher Baba’s Last Warning and His Response to a Rift,” Lord Meher Online Revised pp. 5338-39.
History Detective:
The importance of provenance and investigating your treasures
by Claire Barrett MLIS, Archives Manager
For example, MAC was fortunate to be gifted a letter signed by Meher Baba from Jack Mormon. That, on its own, is a fantastic addition to our growing archive collections. But we didn't know just how fantastic, until we took the letter out of its frame. Tucked away inside were two notes penned by Jack Mormon talking about the history of the letter and how it came into his possession in 1975. What a treat! And to think they could have gone undiscovered had we not decided to remove the letter from its frame.
Approaching your Baba treasures with fresh eyes can lead to all sorts of wonderful discoveries like this one. So when you next take a moment with one of your treasures, try playing detective. What small details can you find that reveal information you might not have known? You never know what hidden gems you might come across. Happy investigating friends, we at MAC can't wait to see what you uncover.
[email protected]
Excitement is Palpable as Phase 1 Nears Completion
By Hugh Huntington - MAC’s Building Committee Chair & Board Secretary
- The lift (elevator) doors arrived in mid-February and are ready for installation.
- Interior painting of the 2nd Floor begins soon. Just in time for warm spring weather!
- Extensive electrical wiring is nearly complete for interior and exterior lighting, the result being that the first floor wiring (Phase 2) will be completed earlier than expected.
- Framework has been built to contain the donated Guruprasad doors on the 2nd Floor.
- The north entry doorway on the 1st Floor has been prepared for the installation of glass panels and door locks.
- Peter Nordeen (MAC’s onsite manager) is working in India for 6 weeks. During that time two of Peter's trusted long-time helpers, Tino and Terril, will be helping MAC move forward with painting and installation of bathroom tile. Jamie and Connor will continue to assist with the work.
MAC’s Inaugural Dhuni: A Heartfelt Gathering!
Would you like this to be a recurring program? We need your participation in planning future Dhuni events. It’s your talents and interests that will grow our on-site programs. Please contact [email protected]

John will be supporting both our IT needs and working on the fundraising committee. He says “I see the great potential and future of MAC.”
John worked with Evie Lindemann in the 1970s at a teen counseling facility in California, and it was then he was introduced to Meher Baba. At that time, John was working on his MA in Counseling and Education, completing the degree in 1978. However, due to better financial prospects, John decided to begin a career in the developing IT field.
A couple of years later, John took six months off to explore other career opportunities and travel internationally. He spent over a month in India during 1981, which included a stay at Meherabad. John was particularly impressed by the genuineness of Baba’s followers.
John retired after a career of 37 years in IT. He brings a depth of experience to MAC’s IT team, as well as an understanding of how nonprofits are managed and successfully run. He is a founding member of three non-profits, most recently holding the office of president for seven years at Reaching Your Dream Foundation.
John is enjoying his retirement which includes motorcycling, bicycling, pickleball, and quantum physics as it relates to human spirituality and capability. [email protected]

Scott brings years of experience as a businessman, and also as a former board director of several non-profits including the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum in Myrtle Beach. He and his wife, Olga, live in Asheville.
Scott was 13 years old when he saw Meher Baba’s picture. In 1973, at the age of 17, he attended his first Baba meeting. Within months, he began a cross-continental pilgrimage to Meherabad.
During Scott’s travels, he felt an urge to visit the Topkapi Palace Museum in Turkey and see the sacred relics of Mohammed, most importantly, the hair from Mohammed’s beard over which wars were purportedly fought. This began Scott’s awareness of the importance of all treasures associated with the Avatar.
Baba’s sister Mani encouraged Scott in his efforts to responsibly collect Baba’s treasures and gave him items for this purpose. Scott shared:
“Over the years I have been entrusted with many Baba treasures, so I have a strong interest in the success of MAC. My concern for Baba treasures is in the long-term care, sharing, and availability of these items. MAC was formed with archiving as the primary purpose and is naturally oriented to preservation and sharing.
Importantly, MAC is located in a geographically stable area, and there is a large and growing Baba community in the Asheville area. Another key factor is that the organization has a path for ongoing succession.
MAC is a valuable resource to other Baba centers doing archival work. Baba stressed harmony in His work. MAC complements and does not compete with other centers. Now is the time for this important focus on Baba treasures and information, and we’re the ones being called to act. I am very happy to join the MAC team in these efforts.”
[email protected]

& Newsletter Editor
MAC’s Fundraising Committee continues to grow, with the addition of Christina, who joins us remotely from Wilmington, NC. Christina has a lifetime with Meher Baba, and with fundraising, both professionally and for various Baba groups. She has participated in a full range of successful fundraising activities, always with a mind and heart to engaging and including.
In addition, Christina joins as MAC’s next Newsletter editor. “I’m really thrilled to work with the Communications team; there’s so much dedication and skill. Thanks to Jana (current editor) who remains on our Communications Committee. I hope to hear from those who wish to be involved and help communicate MAC’s value and purpose.”
Christina has a history of professional publication editorship, both for Meher Baba groups and in the general non-profit and profit sectors. About both her roles, she says, "MAC has a mission that I think clearly distinguishes it from other Baba groups. MAC provides a fresh pathway for a sustainable and relevant future of sharing Baba's legacy with those yet unborn—an ongoing future of remembering and loving Avatar Meher Baba. It is my top priority for offering my full commitment. To me, MAC is about sharing and caring, ever-growing toward this future vision."
Departing Board Members Staying Engaged with MAC
Jai Baba my friends!
After 18 months of service, I am leaving MAC’s board, but still hope to contribute my time with this worthwhile organization.
First, it’s been a wonderful opportunity to get to know the talented people who willingly give of their time, energy, and financial resources to support MAC’s mission. Through the Board members’ collaborative efforts, we identified and defined various policies and procedures for MAC that will nurture and grow a nascent organization, while at the same time support the ambitious restoration of MAC’s building.
My dream, when I joined the Board, was to help build a secure Meher Baba Archive, and slowly begin using the building’s facilities to support Meher Baba educational and social programs to benefit the local Baba community, and ultimately bring Baba’s message and Universal work to the world at large. This is a BIG undertaking and one that will take time to unfold. I know it will be with love, patience, and financial support.
I see my departure as stepping away, but not stepping down. I want to actively support the evolving PEP (Programs – Events – Projects) at MAC’s building: Plays, concerts, educational programs, as well as outreach efforts to assist the less fortunate in both the Baba and local communities. As our Baba family ages, I’d like to help develop and be involved with programs that focus on older adult needs.
Let us remember that Meher Baba is with us. A better guide and coach you could never find elsewhere! Listen to the internal voice that is Baba. Follow the direction and move forward. That’s what I’m trying to do. In His Love.
From Laurent Weichberger . . .
I joined MAC’s Board in 2022, after working with its directors as a Nonviolent Communication consultant. In my experience, Meher Baba has explained that even more important than what we do to serve Him, is how we serve. If we serve with love and compassion towards one another, we please Him.
I was initially attracted to MAC by the sheer scale of the project. When visiting the building and grounds, I could see the vast potential for Baba’s work to be accomplished for generations. It had a Noah’s Ark, big hairy audacious goal aspect to it, and I wanted to put my shoulder to the wheel and offer my talents.
During my tenure, I shared my fundraising experience and ideas, as well incorporated the Agile Project Management method, a focused process to speed up the building renovation. I also organized a volunteer onboarding process to streamline volunteer activity.
I envision MAC living up to its potential by reaching people who know nothing about the Avatar of the Age, and by becoming a first-class organization for the preservation of beloved Baba’s life work, and the items used by Him and His disciples and followers. I see the Baba community thriving through organized programs at the building and property, such as the recent Dhuni.
I intend to remain involved and am open to how that unfolds. One idea is to offer free seminars on Forgiveness, and Surrender, as well as Nonviolent Communication. In the future, I may rent an office at the building for the ongoing Baba work I do. May Baba bless the work of MAC.
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
It is with a collective sigh of relief that we are in the final stretch of Phase One, and close to moving in and creating a permanent home for the Archive as well as a platform for nourishing community, both locally and virtually.
We had a successful Annual General meeting on November 13th, (please see video link below) with a new component of several breakout rooms for discussions on a variety of topics. One of these was community involvement and input around future events and programs (read the Community Engagement article for more details and how you can become involved).
On behalf of the Board and everyone at MAC, I would like to thank you for your support and to extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in this effort, or to get more involved in 2023.We are all joined in our hearts in our love for Baba. May we all remain steadfast in holding onto His Daaman.
In His Embrace,
[email protected] / 828.290.6972
With love and thanks to all in Baba,
Evie Lindemann, Fundraising Chair
Scott Tower
Jean Brunet
Christina Riley
The installation of sheetrock and insulation is complete, giving us a look at what the final second-floor rooms will look like. After installing the elevator shaft door, which is due to arrive in the next few weeks, the painting of rooms, doors and ceilings will begin.
The building committee has met with a locksmith to make decisions on various types of locks needed for various levels of security. We are close to final decisions.
Many finishing details continue to be focused on, such as the bathroom tile selection, paint colors, and the location of donated artwork including a large mural donated by Roger Stephens.
We welcome visitors for building tours, and volunteers who would like to help us complete Phase One, and bring Baba’s treasures into their new home.
Volunteers are needed in December and January for ongoing general clean up of the building. And if you are comfortable climbing up on scaffolding, we need several volunteers to mask windows and doors with plastic and tape to prepare for painting. If you can help, contact Jeanne Felknor at (773) 329-7400 for more details about the tasks and schedules.
Become a Part of MAC'S Important Work: donations, stories and volunteer opportunities
When our wonderful donors reach out about a possible donation, one of the questions that almost always comes up is “what does MAC accept?” The answer is: almost anything related to Meher Baba and His lovers!
The MAC archive aims to collect not only one-of-a-kind treasures, but the everyday items associated with Baba and His lovers. Clothing that Baba wore and buttons He touched are incredible finds, and we absolutely love when something that precious comes through our doors. But we also collect and value other precious things like your letters from the mandali, your photos of your pilgrimage or Baba gatherings, and any kind of historical records. We also collect Baba ephemera (pamphlets, cards, etcetera).
“Now is the time when arrangements for the transfer of the Treasures to a responsible party, Baba lover, organization or Center must be done. Arrangements must be made prior to the death of the Baba lover, because if they are not made the Treasure could fall into the hands of relatives who are totally ignorant of the true value of these Treasures.” - Adi K Irani, excerpt from Circular Regarding Treasures of Beloved Meher Baba, 1977
Physical treasures aren’t the only way you can add to our collection. The MAC archives recently began a new and exciting story project aimed at recording the stories the community has of Baba. That could be how you came to Him, your experiences and stories of being with the mandali, any special memories you have about this community and more. Please consider becoming a part of the beautiful tapestry that is MAC by sharing your story for posterity. To make an appointment to record your story contact me at [email protected].
In addition to donations and stories, MAC also values the incredible volunteers who make this work possible. If you're interested in volunteering with the MAC archives, we have some opportunities available. Like to read? Join us in transcribing our many letters and documents to make them easier to read. And for our tech savvy friends, we're scanning and digitizing documents, letters, and photographs. Lastly, we're looking for an experienced photographer who might be able to take occasional photographs of our archival objects. To volunteer with the archive, reach out to me anytime.
[email protected]
Mohammed’s Kafni, Philip Creager Collection, Meher Archive Collective, 2022
Mohammed was one of Meher Baba’s favorite masts. “According to Meher Baba, a mast is one who is entranced or spellbound by internal spiritual experiences and ecstasies, who cannot function outwardly in an ordinary way, and may appear mad to a casual outside observer.” Mohammed lived in Meherabad for 34 years after Baba dropped the body.
This year, Philip Creager gave MAC a kafni worn by Mohammed. Previously the kafni was given to Philip by Heidi McGovern Doll. Here is the story Heidi relayed of how she received the kafni as a gift from Mohammed in 1989.
Before this incident, Heidi had walked past Mohammed on his porch from time to time very timidly as she was afraid he would call her. She even confessed to Mehera how nervous she was just to walk by him, and how afraid she was that he would call her and ask her a question, and she wouldn’t know how to answer or what to do. Mehera soothingly told her, “Don’t worry about him. Just say, ‘Jai Baba’ and go on.”
Time passed from this humorous incident and Mohammed made a full recovery. One evening Heidi rushed by Mohmammed’s porch for a shift for another duty. Mohammed was sitting on the porch and Erico Nadel, Mohammed’s caretaker, said to Mohammed, “Why don’t you give Heidi one of your kafnis?” Mohammed did not have a lot of expression. Erico urged Mohammed, “Why don’t you give Heidi one of your kafnis?” And so Mohammed gave a signal of agreement and Erico handed her the precious item.
1 Haynes, Charles, Meher Baba, the Awakener, Avatar Foundation, Inc., 2nd ed. 1993. p. 45
Hello friends. Jai Baba!
We have initiated a process for you to propose programs and projects for the Baba community as well as the greater community. On MAC’s website there is a proposal form for you to share your ideas and take the initiative on how MAC’s facilities and building can be used in the future to create engaging events, offer educational programming, and undertake service projects inspired by Meher Baba, His life and His mission.
Some Things to Consider
Obviously, no programs will take place in the MAC building until it is legal and safe to do so. However, MAC is planning for the future with the goal of fostering a strong Baba community, and thus we are reaching out to you! Perhaps your ideas will serve both the local and non-local Baba community, or those people who are not yet Baba lovers, but interested. We have created a simple proposal form that we invite you to fill out and submit. If you have more than one project in mind, you may submit multiple forms. Project Proposal Form
(PLEASE NOTE: someone from MAC will contact you via email within two weeks to discuss your idea).
We value your input! Help us understand better what community events you’d like to help organize and implement at the MAC building. If you have an idea that doesn’t require use of the building, don’t hesitate to share that too. We are open to increasing our reach in the surrounding community, so please consider including the general public in your proposal(s).
Wrap Up
Thanks very much for your interest. Every long journey begins with a single step. We have begun to investigate how to evolve the MAC archive, library, and facility into the Baba Center we all want it to become. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!
| Please help MAC's mission by liking, sharing and subscribing! [email protected], |
Scott Tower, Chair & MAC President: [email protected]
Evie Lindemann, Vice President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
Ron Kantor, Director: [email protected]
Laurent Weichberger, Director: [email protected]
The last few months have seen a lot of activity at MAC, with the addition of new staff and board members as well as steady progress in both archiving work and renovations at the building. We are at a point where the building progress is dramatic and visible on a daily basis, which is gratifying to everyone who has been working hard on all the details. We are on track to move in by the end of the year, and with your financial support we will be able to officially establish MAC in its new home soon. Please see more information below about our current fundraising campaign; we need your help.
We have also been continuing the process of transforming our governance model in which our general operations will be managed by an executive director, while the board will have more of an oversight and strategic planning role.
We have recently become aware of some questions about MAC’s relationship with the community and our vision for Baba-related events at MAC in the future. Please read the following message from the Board addressing this—we hope it offers some clarity. We look forward to a dynamic engagement with both the local and distant Baba community, and to seeing some of you at the SouthEast Gathering as well as at our Annual General Meeting on Oct. 2 when you will hear more about MAC and have an opportunity to interact with the Board.
In His Embrace,
[email protected] / 828.290.6972
Affirming Where MAC is Headed
- To have as its primary purpose the establishment, operation and maintenance of an archive focused on Meher Baba, His followers and His impact on the world.
- To have as its secondary purpose to become a Resource Center fostering education, fellowship, service and community based on Meher Baba’s mission and impact on humanity.
Please use the link below to share your feedback.
Thank you, MAC Board of Directors
Did this article help you to better understand MAC's Vision for the future and how it relates to the community?
Meher Baba in Bangalore, February 1940 ©Meher Nazar Publications | With your help, MAC will be able to move into its headquarters by the end of the year, establishing a vibrant archive and hub for the long term preservation and sharing of Baba’s Divine Legacy. Your contributions will also help lay the groundwork for a variety of Baba-related programs and activities. We would like to thank everyone who has so far contributed to our current Fundraising Campaign, bringing in over $32,900 in the first month. This is 13% of our goal. Donations can be made via the link below, or by check to P.O. Box 18908, Asheville, NC 28814 DONATE TO MAC In Baba’s Love and Service, Scott Tower, Evie Lindemann, and Jean Brunet [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] |
Letter with Baba’s Signature, ca. 1941, Jack Mormon Collection, Donated to MAC in 2020

What I donated to MAC is an Indian equivalent of an 8 ½ x 11 type-written piece of paper. It was probably typed by Feram Workingboxwala. How Baba used to communicate with people changed over the years. In His later days He communicated via the Family Letters. Before that He had the New Life Circulars, and before that He had the Life Circulars. But before the Life Circulars, the way He communicated with groups of people like “Meherabad Hill” (those who lived on Meherabad Hill) or “EliKit” (Elizabeth and Kitty), would be to dictate a letter and then have a mandali member type up the letter with carbon paper behind each sheet so that up to 6 or 7 sheets could be typed at a time. And then Baba signed it. I showed Mani this letter and others like it, and asked her if Baba signed through the carbon or signed each sheet of paper individually. She raised her index finger and proclaimed that Baba signed each sheet of paper, “for authority”! So even though the letter might not be the one on the top, it’s an original. What you have is not only signed by Baba, it is touched by Baba.
This is how I got the letter: In the 70s I visited India many times and I would sit with Mansari in upper Meherabad as often as I could. She would sit in a wooden chair that Baba had sat on. It's now called Mehera’s kitchen but I always remember it was Mansari’s kitchen because that is where she lived. Right next to the chair was a trunk. Because I always collected first edition Baba books, one day I asked Mansari if she had any first edition Baba books. She said, “No, I don’t have any, but you might do me a favor, I have been waiting for the right person to come along. I have this trunk that is sitting next to me and it's full of things, the white ants have eaten a lot of it. Why don't you go to town, buy a couple of suitcases, take a look at the things, fill the suitcases up and take it all away, and it will be off my chest.” The letter that MAC now has was a gift to me from Mansari from that time.
The Importance of Making an Inventory and Recording the Stories of Your Collection
by Claire Barrett MLIS, Archives Manager
It is also helpful to provide additional information for special items, particularly for a collection you plan to donate. If you have a particularly precious treasure, such as a lock of Meher Baba’s hair or a book with his signature, describe how it came to you in your inventory. Detailing the history of an item–where it came from, the chain of ownership of the item–helps prove that your one-of-a-kind item is original, as well as filling in details someone might not be able to know just by looking at the item. The more detailed you can be with this type of information, the better. Any stories you can provide about your items will help make our catalog more robust and useful. But even a simple list will be met with appreciation.
If you’d like any help writing an inventory for your collection, reach out to us at [email protected] at any time. We’ll be more than happy to assist you in this crucial step of preservation, our shared goal is to keep these treasures safe. Even if the inventory is just for you and your heirs, we're here to give tips on how to make an effective and detailed list of treasures.
After Four Long Years — We are Getting Ready to Occupy the Building
Hurrah! All of the necessary inspections at this stage of construction have been completed. We are now in the process of installing sheetrock to enclose all the walls which have been insulated and sound proofed. When that work is finished the painting will begin, the floors will be sanded and doors and locks installed. The journey has been long but the building reconstruction under Peter Nordeen’s guidance is better than when it was new. Providing easy access for older Baba lovers by the installation of a lift is a priority. Our estimated cost is $45,000. We have received a dedicated grant of $10,000 towards this, and have completed the preparation of the lift shaft. If you are inclined to also make a specific donation for this lift from the first to the second floor, please DONATE here and specify “lift” in the message field. |
Claire Barrett, Archive Manager Claire is personally and professionally dedicated to making informational resources more accessible for the general public. After receiving a BFA in art history from SCAD she went on to get an MLIS degree from UNCG. During her years as a student Claire became enamored by the archival world and its work in the preservation of artifacts. Her goal as an archivist is to make the archival world less intimidating for those seeking to learn. While she is new to the world of Meher Baba she has found the people of the community warm and welcoming, and finds the work she does for MAC to be meaningful. c[email protected] |
John Giusto, Transitional Consultant John became MAC's Transitional Consultant in August 2022. John was trained and practiced as a traditional Western medical doctor in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. John’s medical career came to a close with his own environmental illness. That was when Meher Baba took over in earnest and John began to live a New Life in obedience and service to Baba’s inner direction. He has worked on construction projects for the Heartland Center, Meherana, and Meherazad. When he moved to Asheville, John volunteered for MAC first with the construction team at the MAC Building and then worked with MAC's board members on the governance committee. As MAC's newest staff member, John is providing insight and direction to the transition of MAC’s organizational structure. [email protected] |
Laurent Weichberger, Board of Directors Laurent Weichberger came to Baba in 1986 in Manhattan, New York. Since then he has been involved in various Meher Baba activities including working at Meher Mount, in Ojai, California, and writing books for Baba. He also worked with Don Stevens on a number of book and seminar projects (between 2002 and Don's passing in 2011). Laurent is a Senior Enterprise Customer Success Manager for Data Quality at an international software company. He is a software developer and specializes in Big Data. Laurent lives in Asheville, NC, with his wife, Vanessa, two of their five children, and their cat, Khadija. [email protected] |
Join us on MAC’s platform on Baba Zoom

Topics include preserving Baba treasures, archiving at home, collaborative efforts to increase awareness of Baba’s advent, and interviews of MAC volunteers and staff members, as well as researchers and archivists from around the world. To visit our most recent and past episodes please go to our YouTube channel, Meher Archive Collective - YouTube. Please join us here for our live meetings: Virtual Meetings – Meher Baba Family. Our next events will be on Saturdays at 11:00 A.M. (EDT), on Sept. 24, Oct. 29, Nov. 12, and Dec. 10.
Please join us on November 13th, 2022 at 4:00 - 5:30 PM (EDT)

Meet our Construction Staff Members Jamie Zimmerman and Connor McCauley
Interview by Jeanne Felknor
Chances are you might have come out to the MAC Building and have run into these guys. So we thought it might be nice if you get to know them a little better. Jamie, tell us where you are from and how you got involved in this project and what kind of journey it’s been? What a journey from where we started to where we are! Jamie: It certainly has been! I am originally from Connecticut, but I grew up in Florida. I got involved in the project through my dad, Fred, who has been a Baba lover for many years, so I was part of the community growing up. I needed some work and you all needed some help so here I am, and it's pretty incredible how far the project has come along since I started, almost two years ago now. It's almost unrecognizable from where we started, so it's definitely been quite an adventure. |
Lots to have experienced, huh? For example, what? Jamie: All the different varieties of projects we do in the building, it’s so extensive. We have had the opportunity to gain so much different knowledge and many skills, especially working with Peter (Peter Nordeen) who has a wealth of knowledge. How was that plumbing experience? Jamie: Uhhh….I’m not going to say it was a nightmare, it was fun (laughs). Very complicated, at moments frustrating, but rewarding at the end. |
Connor: I’m an electrician from central West Virginia. I came down to visit James last January, saw the project and was immediately interested. I called him pretty much the next week after I got home and asked him if I could come and work and I got the okay. I have been here since April of last year. The project has been great. James said just about everything I would have said. It can be frustrating at times but I'm learning a ton from Peter and we get to do everything; everything you see we get to do.
Just like the Army, the toughest job you ever love. How many feet of wire have been installed so far?
Connor: Thousands and thousands of feet.
Jamie: Just the security camera wire was almost 4000 ft. There's gotta be about 10,000 ft of wire installed in this building so far.
Any parting words for our community?
Jamie: Keep your head in it.
Connor: Come check out the progress.
Jamie: Come out and help!
Yes, if you know how to "mud" come and help!
Jamie: If you just know how to use a vacuum, come and help!
Community Programs & Fundraising Events
Thank you so much Alisa!
Please consider donating.
News, blogs, and updates on interesting archival finds and events.
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Archiving Plan
Asheville Baba Archive
Bhau Kalchuri
Fredella Winterfeldt
Fund Raising
MAC Update
Meher Baba Archiving
Permanent Archive Building
Photo Restoration