Loving note from a volunteer: ... I just wanted to say how In order to fulfill MAC’s mission and take on more projects, we need to acquire more space, purchase additional cabinets, materials, and equipment. We are committed to make as much available to as many as is feasible. We need support for this work and we hear from so many all the time what a valuable service it is. MAC looks forward to expanding volunteer opportunities for service. Please help us preserve what is important today and will seem monumental as time goes on. Unfortunately, over the years, some very valuable pieces have already been lost in the greater Baba world and we want to raise awareness about making plans for succession, taking care of what we have, and detailing the provenance of things we were gifted by the Mandali and others. MAC also intends to help people take care of what they already have in their homes by making a video with instructions on rehousing documents and photographs. MAC is a 501(c)3 and can accept tax-deductible donations. Please consider making a year-end donation to get us to the next level. You can also support us with a recurring monthly donation coming directly from your bank or credit card account via Paypal: http://www.meherarchive.org/donations.html Thank you and Jai Baba, MAC Board of Directors Renee Bussanich Hugh Huntington Ken Blackman Jean Brunet Ludwig Scott Tower Executive Director Eruch Adams Our Mission: To collect, preserve, and share Meher Baba’s Divine legacy of materials, artifacts, and words with integrity, love, and transparency for the benefit of humanity.
MACNews, blogs, and updates on interesting archival finds and events. Archives
May 2024