MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRVolunteers have been working on the MAC building for the past five years, initially deconstructing and then reconstructing. It all began with the purchase of a 1927 educational building. A lot has happened during this time, so much that was not predictable, and as a result, tremendous creativity has been generated through uncertainty. This reminds me that Meher Baba, during His lifetime, welcomed and catalyzed a great deal of change as His work in the world evolved. And that we, His lovers, are learning lessons about not only accepting but also welcoming change as MAC evolves. In this quarter, the MAC building is growing into its new self, one that was present all along and now is beginning to manifest. With paint added to the second-floor walls and ceiling, it has taken on not just the feel of becoming an archive, but something even more subtle, a place of beauty and dedication to the Avatar. Lights are being installed, 73 in number, to create a well-lit environment for work going forward. A cascade of other tasks can be completed now, such as the final electrical work, door installation, and security cameras. I see for myself that any path toward greater wisdom and love begins with a recognition of my own ignorance. Over the years I would not have grown inwardly without understanding that I often do not know, and have to lean into an edge of uncertainty. That edge is a powerful one in a way because it helps me to listen more deeply, and to respect what others know that I am unaware of. I see such dedicated and talented volunteers drawn to service with MAC because they love Meher Baba. These individuals work on communications, IT, finance, archiving, the building, and fundraising. What a gift it is for me to rub shoulders with each one. I feel particularly appreciative of all the Baba lovers from many parts of the world who are helping to make MAC a reality through your generous donations. Our newest campaign is a Match campaign of $50,000, and I hope you will want to help by doubling the value of what you give. Thank you! In His Embrace, Evie [email protected] / 203.915.8017 FUNDRAISING UPDATE |
In May the Asheville Baba community was privileged to have a visit from Hardeep and Indra Hanspal. They toured the building renovation and Indra said, "It is like a palace!" Hardeep shared a heartfelt and moving talk with us about his time spent with Meher Baba and the mandali. This love feast made a huge impact on the gathering. The MAC Baba Zoom recording of his talk will be shown on Saturday, June 3rd at 11 a.m. Please join us at |
An invitation to volunteer with Meher Archive Collective: Serving the Master is the quickest means of realizing Him
In the Discourses, Baba states, “The service that the disciple can offer the Master is not only linked with the universal cause of humanity but is one of the most potent means of bringing the disciple nearer his spiritual goal.” As MAC matures, the on-line searchable archives will be available to serve the universal cause within awakening humanity.
It may be too easy for us to take for granted all that Baba has given us. As time progresses since His physical passing, unless care is given to all the stories and artifacts that many of us have, these things could be lost or become less accessible. The long-term vision for MAC is a large effort, with so many opportunities to support the archival work, both on-site and remote. This is a group effort, and whatever talents and skills you share will become the foundation to ensure future generations have access to know more of and to be touched by Baba.
Story has it that when St. Francis was on his deathbed, he said, “I have done what is mine to do. May Christ now teach you what you are to do.” Is Baba prompting you in any way to share your talents and love for Baba at MAC? If so, ask, “What is mine to do?”
Administrative Support: Office Work
Archive Support: Archives, Art Advisory Subcommittee, Processing, Scanning, Transcription
Leadership: Board of Directors - Board Member, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Governance Committee, Nominating Committee
Building & Grounds: Cleaning/Custodial, Construction, Painting
Communications: Communications Committee, Newsletter/MailChimp, Social Media, Vlog/YouTube, Website, Worldwide Baba Family Zoom
Fundraising: Fundraising Committee
Information Technology/Information Systems: Google Admin, IT/IS, Tech Support, Zoom Webhost
Library: Library Services
Programs/Events/Projects: P/E/P Creating, Facilitating
Volunteer Coordination/Human Resources: Human Resources, Volunteer Coordination - Volgistics
If you are interested in taking the next step to becoming a MAC Volunteer, visit our website [] or send us an email [mailto:[email protected]].
Contributed by Cheryl Johnson and Marilyn Buehler, IT/IS Volunteers
MAC’s Monthly Dhunis Bring the Baba Community Together in His Name
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
News, blogs, and updates on interesting archival finds and events.
December 2024
September 2024
May 2024
March 2024
December 2023
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May 2023
March 2023
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December 2017
September 2017
Archiving Plan
Asheville Baba Archive
Bhau Kalchuri
Fredella Winterfeldt
Fund Raising
MAC Update
Meher Baba Archiving
Permanent Archive Building
Photo Restoration