Meher Baba from the Jean Adriel photo collection. Baba holding one of the pet birds in the doorway of the women’s ashram kitchen on the Hill at Meherabad. Circa 1935-37 Message from the Chair We hope this finds you all well. Summer has arrived here in fits and starts, with typical mountain thunderstorms breaking the heat. All those hours we have all spent connecting via Zoom with others around the world have served to remind us of the ways we are all connected regardless of physical location. A large part of Meher Archive Collective’s (MAC’s) mission is to share, both in person and digitally, the material that is entrusted to us. While we eagerly anticipate spreading Baba’s legacy through digital sharing of growing collections, we are also looking forward to seeing many of you at in-person Baba gatherings as this becomes more possible. Our work preparing the building for MAC to move in continues, with steady progress along with the challenges of disrupted supplies and increasing costs of building materials. (More details below.) We are grateful for the growing interest and trust from those who are donating their Baba materials to MAC, including Don and Margaret Eucker, whose extensive collection will be arriving soon, and to Shari Keller, who is facilitating the donation of the Darwin Shaw family collection. With heartfelt thanks to all who are helping bring the vision of MAC to fruition through their ongoing support and participation! In His Embrace, Scott [email protected] / 828.290.6972 Successful Women to Women Storytelling Festival and Fundraiser ![]() The Women to Women Fundraiser, held on April 10th, 2021, featured women from around the world who are blessed to have experienced Meher Baba’s Love through His women mandali. Through the generosity of attendees and presenters we raised $2730 toward the furnishings for Baba's Reflection Room at the Meher New Life Center. We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to the storytellers, readers, and musicians: Louise Barrie, Shireen Bonner, Annette Boss, Vesta Clinton, Elaine Cox, Dale Draeger, Jenny Keating, Ilene Kreshka, Cathy Riley, Pam Rubenstein, Meredith Flynn, Jana Weed, Deborah Ash, Gay Dunn, and Mani Irani. To all women and men in our Baba family: this project to collect stories of the women mandali continues. To those of you who had the good fortune to meet the women mandali, you have a story to tell. We want to hear your story! Consider that in two generations these stories could be lost unless we write them down. Contact: [email protected] UPCOMING |
Connor next to the main electrical panel in the basement. | Jamie and Connor apprenticing with Peter Nordeen. |
- Upgraded electrical service and new panels have been installed.
- Mechanical infrastructure is now complete and we’re awaiting inspection.
- The infrastructure for lighting on the second floor is complete and the fire alarm wiring is nearing completion.
- A welder has brought stairwell railings up to code (in the original construction these were sized for school children). Peter Nordeen has undertaken a great deal of plastering work, while training young assistants in this skill. Ceilings and walls have been grinded to remove old paint and make surfaces smooth for finishing. Preparation for acoustical soundproofing is in process for those rooms that need it.
In His Sweet Embrace,
Ken, VP and Project Manager
[email protected]
Our monthly Volunteer Days have been very successful so far. We have had several volunteer days take place at the MAC building. They have been productive and fun. The events provide an opportunity to perform service as well as socialize with fellow Baba lovers which we have all been missing!
There is much to do at the building site for anyone who wants to help out with assisting the construction crew and their marvelous work. We will continue to have these monthly volunteer days going forward and hope to build on our momentum!
In June, in lieu of our Saturday Volunteer Day, we will be holding a GIANT Rummage Sale- June 12th & 13th at Elaine Cox’s home located at 37 Mountain Terrace in West Asheville. If you can spare anytime to help out beginning June 9th for set up please contact: Paula Pam Wainright at [email protected].
For those of you who have an interest in joining the volunteer community please visit our website to fill out an application at When you submit an application, we will add you to a Volunteer email list where information, jobs and announcements will be posted as the work with MAC and the MNLC continues to unfold.
I feel confident Baba will guide the unfolding of what will become a strong and vibrant Center for both education and community here in Asheville.
Jai Meher Baba,
Alisa and the Volunteer Team
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Archiving Plan
Asheville Baba Archive
Bhau Kalchuri
Fredella Winterfeldt
Fund Raising
MAC Update
Meher Baba Archiving
Permanent Archive Building
Photo Restoration