The Karrasch Collection
The Karraschs have an extensive collection of Baba-related treasures due to their decades-long journey with Baba, His mandali, Dr. Harry Kenmore, as well as Larry’s mother’s involvement with the Society for Avatar Meher Baba (SAMB). They have been caretakers of this incomparable collection for three decades, having received them due to various circumstances. Now and in the future, they will be donating many items to MAC. They have already donated the doors from Guruprasad Palace. You can read the original Guruprasad Doors article.
The Karrasch Collection consists of three separate groupings: the Dr. Harry Kenmore Collection, the SAMB Collection, and the Karrasch Family Collection. For now, we are highlighting two exciting items that our Archive manager, Claire Barrett, recently processed from Dr. Kenmore’s Collection.
The Karrasch Collection consists of three separate groupings: the Dr. Harry Kenmore Collection, the SAMB Collection, and the Karrasch Family Collection. For now, we are highlighting two exciting items that our Archive manager, Claire Barrett, recently processed from Dr. Kenmore’s Collection.
Two Items from the Dr. Harry Kenmore Collection
As we process these collections, we will be able to show more of the sacred items which include such articles as a brown suit worn by Baba, Meelan Studio photos of Baba, and more.
Larry’s Family History with Baba and the Three Collections
Larry and his family, who were from New York City, met Baba in-person in 1952 at the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC. Larry’s mother, Annarosa, would later describe the family’s first meeting with Baba in the Lagoon Cabin. There were four of them, Larry and his parents, and the family chiropractor and friend, Dr. Jerry Abrams. Larry recalled, “Baba beckoned with His hand for us to come in. My mother would later describe how they all stood in silence in front of Baba and that silence was suddenly broken when I raised my hand and pointed to Baba and said, “Look mommy! There’s God.”
Larry gave a wonderful talk describing meeting Baba and His loving influence in his life over the years in 70th Anniversary of Baba's 1952 Visit to Myrtle Beach, "Look Mommy, there's God" (Courtesy of the Meher Spiritual Center, Myrtle Beach, SC)
Larry and his mother accumulated several treasures from Baba and the mandali, which were kept in a special cabinet in their home. When Larry’s mother died in 1994, Larry inherited the items.
Soon after Annarosa’s passing, members of the SAMB decided to close the office. They asked Larry and Rita if they would take possession of the SAMB contents. Larry explained, “We agreed, even though we weren’t aware that the extensive Dr. Harry Kenmore Collection and the SAMB Collection would be among the items. We feel it was Baba’s Grace that we accepted the responsibility.”
One day a large moving truck arrived in their driveway loaded with Annarosa’s and the SAMB’s belongings. Rita and Larry initially stored most of the items in their two-car garage before starting a 3-year process of sorting through things, while they both maintained full-time jobs. They transferred into their home any precious Baba treasures, which included Baba’s clothing that Harry would ask Him for during multiple trips to see Baba from 1957-1968, and the tapes that Harry recorded (with Baba’s permission) of conversations with Baba and His mandali.
Rita and Larry credit Sheila Krynski and Dot Lesnik for providing valuable advice on where to purchase archival materials, which were used to safely house clothing and other important articles. Sheila and Dot, as well as the Sheriar Foundation and its volunteers, also provided important assistance with transcribing Dr. Kenmore’s recorded “conversations” with Baba. This greatly helped Rita and Larry when they wrote "Harry" and "Talks by Harry".
Larry gave a wonderful talk describing meeting Baba and His loving influence in his life over the years in 70th Anniversary of Baba's 1952 Visit to Myrtle Beach, "Look Mommy, there's God" (Courtesy of the Meher Spiritual Center, Myrtle Beach, SC)
Larry and his mother accumulated several treasures from Baba and the mandali, which were kept in a special cabinet in their home. When Larry’s mother died in 1994, Larry inherited the items.
Soon after Annarosa’s passing, members of the SAMB decided to close the office. They asked Larry and Rita if they would take possession of the SAMB contents. Larry explained, “We agreed, even though we weren’t aware that the extensive Dr. Harry Kenmore Collection and the SAMB Collection would be among the items. We feel it was Baba’s Grace that we accepted the responsibility.”
One day a large moving truck arrived in their driveway loaded with Annarosa’s and the SAMB’s belongings. Rita and Larry initially stored most of the items in their two-car garage before starting a 3-year process of sorting through things, while they both maintained full-time jobs. They transferred into their home any precious Baba treasures, which included Baba’s clothing that Harry would ask Him for during multiple trips to see Baba from 1957-1968, and the tapes that Harry recorded (with Baba’s permission) of conversations with Baba and His mandali.
Rita and Larry credit Sheila Krynski and Dot Lesnik for providing valuable advice on where to purchase archival materials, which were used to safely house clothing and other important articles. Sheila and Dot, as well as the Sheriar Foundation and its volunteers, also provided important assistance with transcribing Dr. Kenmore’s recorded “conversations” with Baba. This greatly helped Rita and Larry when they wrote "Harry" and "Talks by Harry".
Larry's and Dr. Harry Kenmore’s Story
My relationship with Harry or “Doctor,” as I used to call him, began when I first met him at the Myrtle Beach Sahavas in 1956, Baba’s second visit. There wasn’t much interaction as I was only eight years old. My main contact with Doctor began in the summer of 1957.
My mother was in the women’s sewing circle that made clothing for Baba, which was given to Him in 1958 at Myrtle Beach. One day my mother asked the group if they knew of a good chiropractor, since our current chiropractor was moving. Adele Wolkin suggested Harry. In fact, she was one of the first to tell Harry about Meher Baba. She was instrumental as a link, which brought Harry to Baba in India as His chiropractic doctor in the fall of 1957. And Harry’s relationship developed with Baba over eleven years – until Baba’s passing. Harry became one of His intimate mandali, friend, chiropractor and entertainer. Baba used to call Harry His son, and Harry called Baba his Pop.
Many times in the late 1950s and early 1960s, my mother would assist Harry in the evenings when we were his last patients. She would read letters and x-ray reports to him. Then in the spring of 1963, with Baba’s approval, she became his secretary.
Shortly after my mother started to work for Harry, we moved into an apartment in the building in Manhattan where Harry had his office and residence. We relocated because the commute from the Bronx was a forty-five minute subway ride, and I was also attending Rhodes Preparatory School in Manhattan.
We lived on the eleventh floor, and Harry lived and worked on the second floor. In 1967, the SAMB opened an office/meeting space next to Harry’s place, and he would give weekly talks about Baba there.
Harry would sometimes join us for dinner, and we enjoyed listening to his stories and experiences about being with Baba. On occasional weekends Harry and I would go shopping for clothes. I was surprised that he still remembered colors so well from his youth. He became blind at sixteen years old. I ran errands for him, and helped him to pack up vitamins being sent to Baba. To earn extra money, I would clean his office and residence on Sundays. He paid me very well!
Gradually over time, I saw Harry as a second father figure, and I realized he thought of me as a son. An example was the time when I was a senior in high school and was applying to colleges. One day, Doctor asked me if I wanted to study to become a chiropractor. He said he would teach me all of his chiropractic techniques, which he developed over the years, and would totally pay for my college education.
At the time I told him that it was very nice of him to offer, but I felt that I wasn’t the type of individual who could be a healer and work with people in that way. I felt my calling was in some artistic and design career. Harry still offered to pay for my education. But, when he asked Baba about this on his next visit to India, Baba told him that Annarosa and Larry would be able to manage on their own.
Now when I look back at my life, Harry was not only like a second father to me, but he was also a spiritual guide for me to emulate. This relationship has been very meaningful to me throughout my life, guiding me to follow Baba’s teachings in a way I don’t think I could have done on my own.
My mother was in the women’s sewing circle that made clothing for Baba, which was given to Him in 1958 at Myrtle Beach. One day my mother asked the group if they knew of a good chiropractor, since our current chiropractor was moving. Adele Wolkin suggested Harry. In fact, she was one of the first to tell Harry about Meher Baba. She was instrumental as a link, which brought Harry to Baba in India as His chiropractic doctor in the fall of 1957. And Harry’s relationship developed with Baba over eleven years – until Baba’s passing. Harry became one of His intimate mandali, friend, chiropractor and entertainer. Baba used to call Harry His son, and Harry called Baba his Pop.
Many times in the late 1950s and early 1960s, my mother would assist Harry in the evenings when we were his last patients. She would read letters and x-ray reports to him. Then in the spring of 1963, with Baba’s approval, she became his secretary.
Shortly after my mother started to work for Harry, we moved into an apartment in the building in Manhattan where Harry had his office and residence. We relocated because the commute from the Bronx was a forty-five minute subway ride, and I was also attending Rhodes Preparatory School in Manhattan.
We lived on the eleventh floor, and Harry lived and worked on the second floor. In 1967, the SAMB opened an office/meeting space next to Harry’s place, and he would give weekly talks about Baba there.
Harry would sometimes join us for dinner, and we enjoyed listening to his stories and experiences about being with Baba. On occasional weekends Harry and I would go shopping for clothes. I was surprised that he still remembered colors so well from his youth. He became blind at sixteen years old. I ran errands for him, and helped him to pack up vitamins being sent to Baba. To earn extra money, I would clean his office and residence on Sundays. He paid me very well!
Gradually over time, I saw Harry as a second father figure, and I realized he thought of me as a son. An example was the time when I was a senior in high school and was applying to colleges. One day, Doctor asked me if I wanted to study to become a chiropractor. He said he would teach me all of his chiropractic techniques, which he developed over the years, and would totally pay for my college education.
At the time I told him that it was very nice of him to offer, but I felt that I wasn’t the type of individual who could be a healer and work with people in that way. I felt my calling was in some artistic and design career. Harry still offered to pay for my education. But, when he asked Baba about this on his next visit to India, Baba told him that Annarosa and Larry would be able to manage on their own.
Now when I look back at my life, Harry was not only like a second father to me, but he was also a spiritual guide for me to emulate. This relationship has been very meaningful to me throughout my life, guiding me to follow Baba’s teachings in a way I don’t think I could have done on my own.
Rita’s Coming to Baba and Learning from Dr. Kenmore

In 1969 when I was a senior in high school, a friend loaned me Baba's “Discourses. As I read them I became enthralled with Baba’s picture and the concepts presented. They rang true for me. I had previously been attached to Jesus and felt the connection of Baba and Jesus.
Once I began college I heard of the Meher Baba Monday Night Group meetings held in the Carnegie Hall Annex on 57th Street. Since I was also working at this time on 34th street in Manhattan, I would walk to the meeting hall after work. At one of the Monday night meetings I heard Harry speak about Baba. I felt Baba’s Love coming through the doctor, and I asked someone if he gave talks anywhere else.
I learned about his Saturday night talks at the SAMB on the west side of Manhattan. I began to attend these and would come away deeply inspired. Baba had told Harry that Harry would “capture peoples minds" during the talks, and then Baba would “capture their hearts.” And that is what I experienced!
I was fortunate at this time to transcribe some of Harry’s talks that were used in the “Way and the Goal” SAMB newsletters. I attended Harry’s meetings until his passing in 1971. Afterwards, I continued to go to the meetings where we listened to Harry’s talks on audio tapes.
Larry was attending Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, so I only saw him occasionally when he was home from college. It was a few years later that we started dating, and married in 1985. We have followed Baba’s guidance and teachings closely over the years, often traveling to Meherabad, Meherazad and the Meher Spiritual Center.
After selling our apartment in New York City, we lived and worked in Pennsylvania before retiring and moving to Myrtle Beach in 2003.
Once I began college I heard of the Meher Baba Monday Night Group meetings held in the Carnegie Hall Annex on 57th Street. Since I was also working at this time on 34th street in Manhattan, I would walk to the meeting hall after work. At one of the Monday night meetings I heard Harry speak about Baba. I felt Baba’s Love coming through the doctor, and I asked someone if he gave talks anywhere else.
I learned about his Saturday night talks at the SAMB on the west side of Manhattan. I began to attend these and would come away deeply inspired. Baba had told Harry that Harry would “capture peoples minds" during the talks, and then Baba would “capture their hearts.” And that is what I experienced!
I was fortunate at this time to transcribe some of Harry’s talks that were used in the “Way and the Goal” SAMB newsletters. I attended Harry’s meetings until his passing in 1971. Afterwards, I continued to go to the meetings where we listened to Harry’s talks on audio tapes.
Larry was attending Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, so I only saw him occasionally when he was home from college. It was a few years later that we started dating, and married in 1985. We have followed Baba’s guidance and teachings closely over the years, often traveling to Meherabad, Meherazad and the Meher Spiritual Center.
After selling our apartment in New York City, we lived and worked in Pennsylvania before retiring and moving to Myrtle Beach in 2003.