Many people have been asking for an update on Meher Archive. What's going on with the Red Oak School rehab? What's new in the archive? ![]() Jeannie Felknor Sets The Stage: “The ‘play’ is called Meher Archive Collective at the Red Oak school. I think that in this whole world the most important thing is to remember Meher Baba. Sometimes I can’t believe that we get the opportunity to contribute to this creative project - helping to rehab this old school knowing that in the future his precious things will be held, preserved and archived in the most caring way. His book, God Speaks, and many other books, will be in the library where people can come and sit and read in a comfortable space.” Jeannie Sees into the Future… “There is a room where people come and look at things He touched, things He wore, a chair He sat in while visiting with his lovers, hair given to us from His Mandali who loved Him so much and understood so well who He was, that they saved every hair that they possibly could and shared it with us!" Jeannie’s Message... “I believe it is up to us to share what we have with anyone who would care to partake. So, even though Spring has not yet fully arrived, I’m still having so much fun being a part of this story and this cast of characters. Every day more and more things get accomplished in Meher Baba ‘standard time’. Sometimes really fast, sometimes slow. I’m grateful to be a part of this cast of characters that Baba has put together - I like the set very much and the story is fantastic!” Thank you Jeannie for your hard work, dedication, unending enthusiasm, organizational skills, and, of course, your unique sense of humor! Many hundreds of hours have been given to MAC by a committed team of volunteers; without Jeannie’s inspiration and ongoing coordination, we would not be where we are today. A huge amount of renovation is taking place including tearing out old rotted timbers, bad flooring, old ceilings, and much more in preparation for fixing the plumbing, roof, and electrical! More on this next time. Consider donating to keep the work going. News from the Archive
From Elaine Cox: 3rd excerpt from Adi - letter to Beryl Williams (New York), from Adi K. Irani: 5/5/55 Baba further explained that nothing other than these three in descending grade has real spiritual value: (1) obedience to the Master, (2) Love of God which is a gift given, and could hardly be developed and (3) Selfless Service. Families at Meher Archive at Red Oaks By Renee Bussanich Many possibilities are being envisioned at the new MAC building and having a welcoming space for families is an important piece of this vision. MAC has ample space, both indoors and outdoors, and we are looking forward to being the perfect location for family and community oriented gatherings and events. We would love to see the soccer field area used for Baba community family gatherings with picnics and games, possibly volleyball or softball. How about a croquet tournament or badminton? Or an old fashioned field day and ice cream social? Once the indoor area is renovated and ready, the gym will be a great option for indoor volleyball and other physical activities, as well as the ideal space for community gatherings such as music events and parties. In addition, we are considering a playground structure in front of the building and a dedicated childcare area inside making it possible for parents to have some childfree time with MAC. We invite you to be a part of this evolving project that is the Meher Archive Collective and we welcome your input and ideas as the vision evolves. If you have not already visited our website, please click here. Meanwhile, watch this space for updates and ongoing news! ![]() By Jean Brunet Our caretaker's cottage, aka Meher Cottage, is now cleaned, restored and anticipating the arrival of our caretakers. After many weeks of tireless volunteer work, the cottage has been cleaned and repaired, the floors refinished and completely repainted inside and out, in other words, it has been refurbished! Gay & Greg Dunn have graciously consented to be our first caretakers and we are anxiously awaiting their arrival from California soon. Bushes and flowers have been planted and everything is now ready for our caring couple arriving shortly to begin their duties of looking after MAC’s property. Meher Archive Collective is building bridges between archives, historians, seekers, and those who wish to see Meher Baba's legacy preserved for all time. From discovering material to preserving, scanning, cataloging, and sharing words, sounds, and images relevant to Meher Baba's advent and ministry, our growing network of volunteers and staff are working towards a global goal. Join us in the ongoing efforts of expanding a “brick and mortar” and digital library of permanently secured archival material in the Western world, with the goal of preserving Meher Baba's profound legacy. Do you feel inspired to join us at MAC? Whether you live locally and have a few hours to spare, regularly or ad hoc, or you’re visiting Asheville for a week or two and would like to hang out with us for a couple of hours - there’s bound to be something you can do to help, and you’re always welcome!
If you’re currently without free time or you live far away, perhaps you’re in a position to support us financially? if you would like to find out more please go to the “donations” page on our website here. Otherwise feel free to contact us here. Thank you - your help and support is appreciated! |
MACNews, blogs, and updates on interesting archival finds and events. Archives
December 2024