Messages of Meher Baba
I have come not to teach but to awaken. Understand therefore that I lay down no precepts. Throughout eternity I have laid down principles and precepts, but mankind has ignored them. Man's inability to live God's words makes the Avatar's teaching a mockery. Instead of practicing the compassion He taught, man has waged crusades in His name. Instead of living the humility, purity and truth of his words, man has given way to hatred, greed and violence. Because man has been deaf to the principles and precepts laid down by God in the past, in this present Avataric form I observe Silence. You have asked for and been given enough words—it is now time to live them. To get nearer and nearer to God you have to get further and further away from "I", "my", "me", and "mine". You have not to renounce anything but your own self. It is as simple as that, though found to be almost impossible. It is possible for you to renounce your limited self by my Grace. I have come to release that Grace. I repeat, I lay down no precepts. When I release the tide of Truth which I have come to give, men's daily lives will be the living precept. The words I have not spoken will come to life in them. I veil myself from man by his own curtain of ignorance, and manifest my Glory to a few. My present Avataric Form is the last Incarnation of this cycle of time, hence my Manifestation will be the greatest. When I break my Silence, the impact of my Love will be universal and all life in creation will know, feel and receive of it. It will help every individual to break himself free from his own bondage in his own way. I am the Divine Beloved who loves you more than you can ever love yourself. The breaking of my Silence will help you to help yourself in knowing your real Self. All this world confusion and chaos was inevitable and no one is to blame. What had to happen has happened; and what has to happen will happen. There was and is no way out except through my coming in your midst. I had to come, and I have come. I am the Ancient One. — Meher Baba |
ⓒ Meher Nazar Publication
When the goal of life is attained, one achieves the reparation of all wrongs, the healing of all wounds, the righting of all failures, the sweetening of all sufferings, the relaxation of all strivings, the harmonizing of all strife, the unraveling of all enigmas, and the real and full meaning of all life—past, present and future. -Life At Its Best, p. 59 |
“Consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, each and every creature, each and every human being—in one form or the other—strives to assert individuality. But when eventually, man consciously experiences that he is Infinite, Eternal, and Indivisible, then he is fully conscious of his individuality as God, and as such experiences Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Power, and Infinite Bliss. Thus, Man becomes God and is recognized as a Perfect Master, Sadguru, or Qutub. To worship this man is to worship God.
When God manifests on earth in the form of man and reveals His divinity to mankind, He is recognized as the Avatar—the Messiah— he Prophet. Thus, God becomes Man.
And so Infinite God, age after age, throughout all cycles, wills through His Infinite Mercy, to affect His presence amidst mankind by stooping down to human level in the human form. But His physical presence amidst mankind not being apprehended, He is looked upon as an ordinary man of the world.
When He asserts, however, His divinity on earth by proclaiming Himself the Avatar of the age, He is worshiped by some who accept Him as God, and glorified by a few who know Him as God on earth. But it invariably falls to the lot of the rest of humanity to condemn Him, while He is physically in their midst.
The Avatar is always one and the same, because God is always One and the Same, the Eternal, Indivisible, Infinite One who manifests Himself in the form of man as the Avatar, as the Messiah, as the Prophet, as the Ancient One—the Highest of the High.
This Eternally One and the Same Avatar repeats His manifestation from time to time, in different cycles, adopting different human forms and different names, in different places, to reveal Truth in different garbs and different languages, in order to raise humanity from the pit of ignorance and help free it from the bondage of delusions…..
Of the most recognized and much worshiped manifestations of God as Avatar, that of Zoroaster is the earliest—having been before Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Thousands of years ago, he gave to the world the essence of Truth in the form of three fundamental precepts—Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds. These precepts were and are constantly unfolded to humanity in one form or another, directly or indirectly in every cycle, by the Avatar of the age as he leads humanity, imperceptibly, toward the Truth. To put these precepts of Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds into practice is not as easily done as it would appear, though it is not impossible. But to live up to these precepts honestly and literally is apparently as impossible as it is to practice a living death in the midst of life….
I am neither a mahatma nor a Maha Purush, neither a sadhu nor a saint, neither a yogi nor a wali. ….If I am the Highest of the High, my Will is Law, my Wish governs the Law, and my Love sustains the universe. Whatever your apparent calamities and transient sufferings, they are but the outcome of my Love for the ultimate good. Therefore, to approach me for deliverance from your predicaments, to expect me to satisfy your worldly desires, would be asking me to do the impossible—to undo what I have already ordained….
From my point of view, far more blessed is the atheist who confidently discharges his worldly responsibilities, accepting them as his honorable duty, than the man who presumes he is a devout believer in God, yet shirks the responsibilities apportioned to him through Divine Law and runs after sadhus, saints and yogis, seeking relief from the suffering which ultimately would have pronounced his Eternal Liberation…..
I cannot expect you to understand all at once what I want you to know. It is for me to awaken you from time to time throughout the ages, sowing the seed in your limited minds which must, in due course and with proper heed and care on your part, germinate, flourish, and bear the fruit of that true knowledge which is inherently yours to gain.”
LORD MEHER, online p. 3391
“Consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, each and every creature, each and every human being—in one form or the other—strives to assert individuality. But when eventually, man consciously experiences that he is Infinite, Eternal, and Indivisible, then he is fully conscious of his individuality as God, and as such experiences Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Power, and Infinite Bliss. Thus, Man becomes God and is recognized as a Perfect Master, Sadguru, or Qutub. To worship this man is to worship God.
When God manifests on earth in the form of man and reveals His divinity to mankind, He is recognized as the Avatar—the Messiah— he Prophet. Thus, God becomes Man.
And so Infinite God, age after age, throughout all cycles, wills through His Infinite Mercy, to affect His presence amidst mankind by stooping down to human level in the human form. But His physical presence amidst mankind not being apprehended, He is looked upon as an ordinary man of the world.
When He asserts, however, His divinity on earth by proclaiming Himself the Avatar of the age, He is worshiped by some who accept Him as God, and glorified by a few who know Him as God on earth. But it invariably falls to the lot of the rest of humanity to condemn Him, while He is physically in their midst.
The Avatar is always one and the same, because God is always One and the Same, the Eternal, Indivisible, Infinite One who manifests Himself in the form of man as the Avatar, as the Messiah, as the Prophet, as the Ancient One—the Highest of the High.
This Eternally One and the Same Avatar repeats His manifestation from time to time, in different cycles, adopting different human forms and different names, in different places, to reveal Truth in different garbs and different languages, in order to raise humanity from the pit of ignorance and help free it from the bondage of delusions…..
Of the most recognized and much worshiped manifestations of God as Avatar, that of Zoroaster is the earliest—having been before Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Thousands of years ago, he gave to the world the essence of Truth in the form of three fundamental precepts—Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds. These precepts were and are constantly unfolded to humanity in one form or another, directly or indirectly in every cycle, by the Avatar of the age as he leads humanity, imperceptibly, toward the Truth. To put these precepts of Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds into practice is not as easily done as it would appear, though it is not impossible. But to live up to these precepts honestly and literally is apparently as impossible as it is to practice a living death in the midst of life….
I am neither a mahatma nor a Maha Purush, neither a sadhu nor a saint, neither a yogi nor a wali. ….If I am the Highest of the High, my Will is Law, my Wish governs the Law, and my Love sustains the universe. Whatever your apparent calamities and transient sufferings, they are but the outcome of my Love for the ultimate good. Therefore, to approach me for deliverance from your predicaments, to expect me to satisfy your worldly desires, would be asking me to do the impossible—to undo what I have already ordained….
From my point of view, far more blessed is the atheist who confidently discharges his worldly responsibilities, accepting them as his honorable duty, than the man who presumes he is a devout believer in God, yet shirks the responsibilities apportioned to him through Divine Law and runs after sadhus, saints and yogis, seeking relief from the suffering which ultimately would have pronounced his Eternal Liberation…..
I cannot expect you to understand all at once what I want you to know. It is for me to awaken you from time to time throughout the ages, sowing the seed in your limited minds which must, in due course and with proper heed and care on your part, germinate, flourish, and bear the fruit of that true knowledge which is inherently yours to gain.”
LORD MEHER, online p. 3391
CLICK BELOW for more of Baba's Words
How to Love God
To love God as He ought to be loved, we must live for God and die for God, knowing that the goal of all life is to love God, and find Him as our own Self. …read full message Seven Realities Meher Baba gives no importance to creed, dogma, caste systems, and the performance of religious ceremonies and rites, but to the UNDERSTANDING of the following seven Realities:…read full message Prayers You Alone Exist |