Meherazad, September 1972
Master 1 Tape 1 Side I 1. Mehera's "Jai Baba" (Repeated) 2. "I was fourteen..." 3. Mehera's mother daulatmai. Her first meeting with Meher Baba and how she obeyed Him. 4. Traveling to Sakori 5. The first four Glimpses 6. Freni's Wedding 7. The First Darshan 8. Some Instructions 9. Prasad 10. The Call Side II 1. Staying at Meherabad 2. "I will make you like Babajan." 3. The story of the two gold rings. July 4, 1976 - Silence Day Sahavas, Lake Arrowhead, CA Filis Frederick gives a talk about the psychic experiences she had experienced throughout her life and difference between psychic, occult, and spiritual experiences. In this she discusses out of body experiences, ghosts and how disembodied spirits latch onto those who use drugs and drink alcohol. (Teri Adams, who was there at the time, recalled how, when Filis said she could see the auras in the room and knew who had recently taken drugs, there were a few embarrassed looks along with the laughter in the audience.) Other topics: William Blake's spiritual experiences, the soul's journey after death, inspiration and illumination, Jesus's age of instinct transitioning to reason and now, Baba said we're moving from reason to intuition. Length: 1:30:34 ![]()
Part 2 of 2 Behram and Jal Irani at Pumpkin House, Pune, India. Jal and Behram continue their personal stories of their brother, Meher Baba. The recording picks up Jal's story that cut off at the end of part 1. The brothers continue to tell stories about life with Baba in Pune (POona). The recording ends with Behram, near Babajan's tree, reminiscing about bringing food to Babajan and Merwan sitting with her. (Date unknown, probably early to mid 70's) From Win Coats collection but it sounds like it was part of an Irwin and Ed Luck interview recording, hence some odd breaks (probably as they moved cameras or changed film reels). ![]()
Part 1 of 2 Behram and Jal Irani at Pumpkin House, Pune, India. Behram tells personal stories of his brother, Baba and gives a tour of Pumpkin House. Jal starts speaking around 31:20 into this recording (Date unknown, probably early to mid 70's) From Win Coats collection but it sounds like it was part of an Irwin and Ed Luck interview recording, hence some odd breaks (probably as they moved cameras or changed film reels). ![]()
1979 - Adi K Irani gives a talk at the Meher Center.![]() Adi K Irani was one of the earliest followers of Meher Baba and did most of the interpreting of Baba on their very first trip to Myrtle Beach. Adi made several trips to America in the 1970's. Recorded on April 29, 1979 in Myrtle Beach. Introduced by an older woman who gave a brief recount of Adi and Baba's first trip to Myrtle Beach. Adi begins by reciting and translating a prayer to Meher Baba and then talks on many subjects including Baba's practical ways. Many anecdotes and a question and answer session at the end. [This photo was taken by Andy Muir in 1979, who recorded this audio tape, so it could be the same night.] ![]()
Eruch Jessawala Recounts what Baba's Silence was Like for the Mandali1975, Eruch Jessawala in Mandali Hall - Excerpt Excerpt from longer discussion in Mandali Hall. Eruch discusses that he doesn't miss Meher Baba, but he misses his silence. (From Keith and Brad Gunn) ![]()
Different kinds of advice, the truth, and seeking Masters.1980 Mandali Hall Meher Lahar audio series #3 of 9 Eruch Jessawala in Mandali Hall answering questions about advisors, mundane and spiritual; as well as self-effacement and the Truth. The goal is more than just some experiences here and there. Baba said that reality must be continuously experienced. ![]()
Filis's occult experiences prior to meeting Baba1982 Portland Oregon Sahavas, Part 2 The story continues with Norina Matchabelli, part of the jet set of Europe. "Professor so and so must meet Baba." Baba gives the professor love by flinging His alphabet board into the corner of the room, and tears roll down the professor's cheeks. At East-West gathering the women heard Indian musicians sing a song that is traditionally sung when a bride leaves the home of her family to live with her husband. The women present all started crying, because they realized that they would not see Baba again. This was the last glimpse of Baba for every westerner except for the people who went to the tree at the end of the East West Gathering. ![]()
[From the Ursula Reinhart collection]
![]() Starts with Filis' story of coming to Baba. She sees Baba at a Ramakrishna event, and Ramakrishna appears to her and tells her that Baba is her master. Makes the point that Baba arrived in the US in 1952 with 12 disciples, six women and six men. (From the 1982 Portland gathering, recorded by Ursula Reinhardt) ![]()
MACCollecting audio recordings related to Meher Baba from around the world to share widely. Archives
January 2020