MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRLoving greetings to each one of you, There are times when I need to revisit the reasons I love Meher Archive Collective (MAC). After hurricane Helene carved a pathway through Asheville and the rest of Buncombe County on September 27th, it was time for me to reflect on what had happened. While the MAC building itself came through the storm without any harm, many of us were personally impacted. Just the other day it occurred to me that love is not based on logic. It is in the realm of something much finer and more subtle. I concluded that I love MAC for many different reasons. I love having the opportunity to remember Baba on a daily basis as I navigate my role in our organization. I love that this nearly hundred year old building with its beautiful bones survived Helene with grace. I love that we held a Dhuni on November 12, not long afterwards. I love how it sits on a small hill surrounded by tall and majestic pines and oaks. I love the fact that the second floor is ready for occupancy. I even love the fact that the south side roof needs to be completed before we can begin to officially archive. Finally, I love MAC’s mission of collecting, preserving, and sharing, with the idea that in the future it will be a place of sanctuary and a resource for those who are seeking a deeper meaning. It will provide materials by and about Meher Baba. This, to me, is the crux of why this project means so much to me. While Buncombe County is currently in a state of both repair and disrepair from Helene, there are daily reminders of both processes occurring simultaneously. I’m reminded how it is that all of us who love Baba perform a daily dance of navigating oppositional forces — joy and sorrow, destruction and repair, doubt and faith. The list is endless, really. Somehow, it is in being willing to learn new dance steps, immersed in the mystery of Baba and His love, that I feel truly fulfilled. As Baba reminds us, “Only love is real.” In His Loving Embrace, Evie [email protected] 203.915.8017 BUILDING RENOVATION PROGRESSby Hugh Huntington The good news is that Meher Archive Collective passed the Fire Marshal’s inspection! This was followed by the call for the final inspection by the Buncombe County Building Inspection Department. The building inspector wants the roof over the gym to be completed before issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, which means we cannot begin archival work until the roof has been finished. We have begun preparing for that repair. Other good news is the MAC building weathered hurricane Helene with no damage or water issues. Helene damaged so many homes in Buncombe County and the carpenters that we wanted to use felt that their priority needed to be helping repair damage to individual homes. We understand their value for helping people, so we are searching for carpenters to help us begin initial preparation of the roof repair. In the meantime, Art Nordeen graciously donated the use of his personal equipment to help us repair the roof. He and his wife Monika drove down from Michigan with his portable sawmill, a large tractor/backhoe, and a large bucket lift for our use. Peter, Art, and Connor have been sawing oak lumber from fallen trees to be used for the repair of the gym/auditorium roof. The quality of the wood is excellent and will save a lot of money in materials for the roof repair. ARCHIVES CORNERby Anne Barker
Our dear staff member, Claire Barrett, has moved on to a full-time job as a legal assistant. We wish her the very best in her new job and in her spring wedding to Matt. VOLUNTEERS CORNER |
by Michael Ivey For this quarter’s MAC newsletter, we interviewed our full-time, tireless volunteer, Jeanne Felknor at her home in Asheville. Practically every weekday, you’ll find Jeanne putting in 5-6 hours doing whatever needs to be done at the awesome MAC building outside of Weaverville. Jeanne said that her motivation to do this work on a full-time basis boils down to two things: (1) opportunity and (2) fun! She said that when she thinks about it, she’s overwhelmed at the significance of the task of preserving the legacy of Avatar Meher Baba’s advent for those that follow. She sees it as a great opportunity to be in a position to do this work that Baba has given to her. |
There are two statements that have impressed her deeply in regard to working in the cause of the Avatar. One is called “My Dear Workers,” given by Baba in 1962 at the East-West Gathering and the other is called “On Working for Baba,” a talk given by Mani to the volunteers at the opening of the original Pilgrim Center. She frequently reads them at the beginning of her MAC workdays.
On top of the significance and rare opportunity to do this work, Jeanne said that it’s also a tremendous amount of pure fun for her, especially to see all the little tasks that result in the beautiful and functional spaces that will preserve Baba’s “scent” for those in the future. That could include us too, she added!
Jeanne’s full-time service to MAC has been ongoing for six years now. “Six years and I just want to keep going because I LOVE doing this work! I just started working with the fundraising committee and it feels like I’m in the begging phase of the New Life.”
“I wish people would come out and see the building. It’s the ultimate creative project and it’s the ultimate opportunity for me to be able to do this work.”
In this time of thanksgiving and celebration, we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported MAC in whatever capacity. Your generosity and belief in our mission allows us to continue this important work of collecting, preserving, and sharing artifacts and other materials associated with the life and legacy of our beloved Meher Baba.
It is very touching to see how people’s hearts are moved to participate in this project for the benefit of future generations. We feel it is a gift to have this opportunity to serve and honor Baba, and of course it is to Him we are most grateful.
Thank you for being part of the Meher Archive Collective community!
John Dalisky
MAC Fundraising Chair
Ever wonder who the Information Tech group is for Meher Archive Collective (MAC)? Meet Cheryl Johnson, Maria Brummel, and John Dalisky.
MAC is still a small organization, but we do have needs for technology tools and services. We provide support to our fundraising, communications, archive, and leadership teams. We maintain and support our websites, volunteer tools, fundraising systems, email, and information storage.
We are working on two key projects for our future. First is the recent, temporary relocation of our key computer and storage systems in preparation for the final move to the MAC building in Weaverville. This temporary relocation gives us more flexibility and responsiveness in the near term.
Second, we are working hard to complete a project that will allow all visitors to our website to view and research our MAC collection artifacts. We plan to complete our test site by the end of 2024. We are very excited about this! You will hear more about this soon!
DHUNI: Our next Dhuni will be on Thursday, December 12th, at 3:30 p.m. and located on the lawn of the MAC building as usual. The Dhuni is now held on the 12th of each month. Please check your email announcements for reminders and updates. We welcome you, your music, poetry, and stories.
IN TOUCH WITH MAC: MAC’s “Baba Zoom” Program “In Touch with Meher Archive Collective – Cherishing Meher Baba’s Legacy” is a regular feature of MAC’s communications with the Baba community. It features a variety of topics related to preserving Baba's legacy. Our recent program with Ray Lee on his work with video and audio recordings occurred a few days ago and will be soon available on our YouTube channel for those who missed the live presentation. All are welcome to join us on for this bi-monthly program. Our next live program will be Saturday, February 9th, 11:00 a.m. Details to come.
YOUTUBE: Check out Meher Archive Collective’s YouTube Channel. Here are some of our recent videos:
- Coming soon: Ward Parks on “Baba’s New Life, Then and Now”
- An interview with Ursula Reinhart from the “In Touch with MAC” series
- Coming soon: “In Touch with MAC” interview with Raymond Lee
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
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Archiving Plan
Asheville Baba Archive
Bhau Kalchuri
Fredella Winterfeldt
Fund Raising
MAC Update
Meher Baba Archiving
Permanent Archive Building
Photo Restoration