MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR In late May and early June, I had the opportunity to experience a group pilgrimage to Avila and Assisi, retracing Meher Baba's steps in those two marvelous medieval cities. I was reminded, especially in Avila because of my deep personal connection with Saint Teresa, that modern travelers continue to be drawn to places of pilgrimage because these environments have a sanctity and a specialness. Even in the face of modern life and its distractions, seekers arrive to feel the atmosphere and to explore their own inner depths. The historical and spiritual significance of Avila and Assisi compelled Baba to visit them, likely recharging them with a renewed sense of depth and love. It makes me wonder about other places in our world as they pertain to Baba’s work, and what they will mean for future generations. Decades from now, it is my hope that MAC will become a magnet for seekers who want to experience the physical embodiment of some of the artifacts that belonged to Baba and His mandali, that He used and touched and gave away. When all of those who met Baba, or met the mandali are gone, there will still be precious treasures to see and stories to be told about them. In recent months, we’ve had visitors from California to Florida. They come, curious about MAC, and hear the news that the second floor is completed and awaiting final inspections. It’s not just the treasures themselves that matter — it’s also the value of preserving and conveying Meher Baba’s impact in the West. Visitors can enter the space now, passing through the newly installed Guruprasad doors donated by Larry and Rita Karrasch! Those who are familiar with the original Guruprasad Palace, or have visited the Guruprasad Memorial in Pune, have a special feeling for them. They hold, and perhaps convey, some of the rich and enlivening stories of life with Baba. These doors, along with other treasures associated with Baba that were donated to MAC, offer good reasons for Baba pilgrims to visit, to feel, and to connect with His love. All are welcome. Come soon. In His Loving Embrace, Evie [email protected] 203.915.8017 ARCHIVES CORNER |
If you haven’t seen it yet, please check out the video about the Guruprasad doors here. Guruprasad Doors Installed at Meher Archive Collective ( |
One of the last tasks that needs to be completed for Phase 1 renovations is the final wiring for the fire alarm system. The fire marshall was given the plans for the fire alarm system and we will request the inspection as soon as the work is complete.
The very last step will be the final building inspection, which we eagerly await. We do not anticipate any significant issues since all other major inspections were completed and passed. Once we pass that inspection, we will be able to occupy the building!
We are pleased to cheer on our Asheville Music Sahavas friends as they present another musical gathering to celebrate our Beloved.
ASHEVILLE MUSIC SAHAVAS Weekend of October 25th - 27th
MUSIC & MORE: MAC Tour, Potluck, and Talk by Ward Parks (details below)
Music goes straight to the heart. And that is sure to happen when our singer/songwriters take the stage at the Asheville Music Sahavas 2024.
This year, for the first time, the Sahavas will be amid the golden fall foliage of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Sahavas is on Friday, October 25th, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, October 26th, starting at 1:30 p.m. It will take place at the Kittredge Theater, located on the campus of Warren Wilson College, near Asheville, NC.
In another first, the Sahavas will be free! We want everyone who is interested to be able to attend.
Our line-up of wonderful tune-smiths will sing their hearts out for Beloved Meher Baba:
- Jamie Newell
- Jim Meyer and Pam Rubenstein
- Mark Trichka and Lisa Brande
- Beverly Smith and Jason Homan
- Raine Eastman-Gannett
- Cathy Riley and friends
- Ward Parks and friends
6:30 p.m. Music program starts - Warren Wilson College, Kittredge Theater
Saturday, October 26
10:30 a.m. MAC group tour - 53 Red Oak School Rd. Weaverville
1:30 p.m. Music program starts - Warren Wilson College, Kittredge Theater
Sunday, October 27
11:30 a.m. Potluck followed by
1:00 p.m. Talk by Ward Parks - topic and location TBD
Join us in October for a wonderful weekend of music and inspiration!
Jai Baba!
Maria Brummel - Newsletter Coordinator and IT Team Member

After hopping around from job to job, Maria decided to return to college and received her BA in Computer Science in 1999. It was at her first computer programming job that she met her husband, Andy. In 2003, she left her job and took an extended hiatus to raise her four children and to teach childbirth classes from her home. Then, seven years ago, she jumped at an opportunity to go back to work full time in the IT world.
Maria enjoys reading, traveling, hiking, and taking care of her two Golden Retrievers.
At around nineteen, Maria saw Meher Baba’s face for the first time on a card with the words “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Despite her cynicism, she was intrigued by Baba’s joyous face and the lovely quote on the back of the card. But it wasn’t until nearly 5 years later, when reading Discourses, that she fell head over heels into Baba’s arms.
She considers herself very lucky to contribute in any way she can to further the cause of preserving Meher Baba’s legacy through Meher Archive Collective.
Saturday, October 12th, at 4:30 p.m. we will hold our next Dhuni located on the lawn of the MAC building. From October on, the Dhuni will be held on the 12th of each month. We welcome you, your music, poetry, and stories.
Friday, October 25th, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, October 26th, at 1:30 p.m. The Asheville Music Sahavas will take place at the Kittredge Theater, located on the campus of Warren Wilson College, near Asheville, NC.
Saturday, October 26th, at 10:30 a.m. During the Music Sahavas weekend MAC is offering a Tour of the MAC Building. Come out to 53 Red Oak School Road, Weaverville, NC. For more information contact: [email protected].
Sunday, Oct. 27th, 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. After the Music Sahavas on Sunday, Oct. 27th, there will be a Potluck at 11:30 a.m., followed by a Talk by Baba-scholar, Dr. Ward Parks at 1:00 p.m. Topic and location are to be determined.
Check out Meher Archive Collective’s YouTube Channel. Here are some of our recent videos:
Evie Lindemann, President: [email protected]
Hugh Huntington, Secretary: [email protected]
Anne Barker, Director: [email protected]
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Archiving Plan
Asheville Baba Archive
Bhau Kalchuri
Fredella Winterfeldt
Fund Raising
MAC Update
Meher Baba Archiving
Permanent Archive Building
Photo Restoration